A couple of days ago I was bored at home, nothing to do, so, I decided to stream in my youtube channel, just chill, some soft music and random code, no camera, no comments, just chill & python.
This is the stream:
But as soon as I started coding I realized that I wanted to do a game. And not any game. Lately I was playing a lot of ADOM, and was asking myself I would be able to do something like that, but in old school mode, to play this in the console (does not matter if it is windows or linux) like in the old and original Rogue or the old versions of ADOM
Another thing that I have to mention about this is that I am a devote Pythonist. My mantra is “Python is love and love is Python“
With that in mind I started to code while listening to cool and relaxing music live on youtube.
Some rules here:
- I will keep on coding without a real plan or schedule. I have A LOT of work in real life, a family and other hobbies.
- I love old school games, so I will attach the idea of ADOM, Rogue or Angband.
- Permadeath. YES, it is important and will be like that.
- About randomly generated dungeons: I think that there should be both things. Random dungeons and fixed ones.
As for the libraries, I know that there are some cool things like tcod but I will go with the old and lovely curses. I know that the libraries for windows and linux are different, but they are very similar so I only need to verify which os I am using.
First, I started by creating a character class:
import randomclass Character:def __init__(self, name, creature):self.name = nameself.creature = creature #let's start with human or elf.self.strength = 0self.defense = 0self.gold = 0self.room = ''def char_creator(self):str_mod = {'h':5, 'e':3}def_mod = {'h':4, 'e':3}self.strength = random.randint(1,6) + str_mod[self.creature]self.defense = random.randint(1,6) + def_mod[self.creature]def char_info(self):creatures = {'h':'Human', 'e':'Elf'} #maybe this may die.return {'name': self.name, 'creature': creatures[self.creature], 'strength': self.strength, 'defense': self.defense}import random class Character: def __init__(self, name, creature): self.name = name self.creature = creature #let's start with human or elf. self.strength = 0 self.defense = 0 self.gold = 0 self.room = '' def char_creator(self): str_mod = {'h':5, 'e':3} def_mod = {'h':4, 'e':3} self.strength = random.randint(1,6) + str_mod[self.creature] self.defense = random.randint(1,6) + def_mod[self.creature] def char_info(self): creatures = {'h':'Human', 'e':'Elf'} #maybe this may die. return {'name': self.name, 'creature': creatures[self.creature], 'strength': self.strength, 'defense': self.defense}import random class Character: def __init__(self, name, creature): self.name = name self.creature = creature #let's start with human or elf. self.strength = 0 self.defense = 0 self.gold = 0 self.room = '' def char_creator(self): str_mod = {'h':5, 'e':3} def_mod = {'h':4, 'e':3} self.strength = random.randint(1,6) + str_mod[self.creature] self.defense = random.randint(1,6) + def_mod[self.creature] def char_info(self): creatures = {'h':'Human', 'e':'Elf'} #maybe this may die. return {'name': self.name, 'creature': creatures[self.creature], 'strength': self.strength, 'defense': self.defense}
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Here I have a couple of questions.
- Should the player generator be part of the character class? for now, yes, will see. -** The player should know in which room he is? Or the room should contain the character, or both? This is a BIG BIG question**
Then, I created a first version of the enemy class (all this was in 2 hours in a live stream, don’t ask for speed.
class Enemies:def __init__(self, name, strength, defense):self.name = nameself.strenght = strengthself.defense = defenseclass Enemies: def __init__(self, name, strength, defense): self.name = name self.strenght = strength self.defense = defenseclass Enemies: def __init__(self, name, strength, defense): self.name = name self.strenght = strength self.defense = defense
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MY biggest question here for the future is if the character and enemies should be classes that inherit from a base class. I don’t know.
Finaly, I made a room class:
import randomfrom enemies import Enemiesclass Room:def __init__(self, name, description, enemies) -> None:self.name = nameself.description = description#what kind of monsters can appear?self.possible_enemies = enemies #this will have a list of possible monsters that can appear in a roomself.enemies = [] #this is getting weird...def describe_room(self):#TODO: show monsters in a better wayenemies = ''for i in self.enemies:enemies += i.name+' 'return {'name':self.name, 'description': self.description, 'enemies': enemies}def create_enemies(self):#we will do something better than this in the near future...for i in self.possible_enemies:#if random.randint(1,2) == 1: #a coin flip for appearanceif i == 'rat':self.enemies.append(Enemies('Rat', 2,2))import random from enemies import Enemies class Room: def __init__(self, name, description, enemies) -> None: self.name = name self.description = description #what kind of monsters can appear? self.possible_enemies = enemies #this will have a list of possible monsters that can appear in a room self.enemies = [] #this is getting weird... def describe_room(self): #TODO: show monsters in a better way enemies = '' for i in self.enemies: enemies += i.name+' ' return {'name':self.name, 'description': self.description, 'enemies': enemies} def create_enemies(self): #we will do something better than this in the near future... for i in self.possible_enemies: #if random.randint(1,2) == 1: #a coin flip for appearance if i == 'rat': self.enemies.append(Enemies('Rat', 2,2))import random from enemies import Enemies class Room: def __init__(self, name, description, enemies) -> None: self.name = name self.description = description #what kind of monsters can appear? self.possible_enemies = enemies #this will have a list of possible monsters that can appear in a room self.enemies = [] #this is getting weird... def describe_room(self): #TODO: show monsters in a better way enemies = '' for i in self.enemies: enemies += i.name+' ' return {'name':self.name, 'description': self.description, 'enemies': enemies} def create_enemies(self): #we will do something better than this in the near future... for i in self.possible_enemies: #if random.randint(1,2) == 1: #a coin flip for appearance if i == 'rat': self.enemies.append(Enemies('Rat', 2,2))
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Here a lot of magic will happen. For now, it is just a placement of the base code. But the room has a title, a description and some monsters that appear randomly.
The principal with the main loop is just putting all together and a little main loop with a couple of commands (I will change the commands with key presses soon)
from character import Characterfrom room import Roomimport cursesscreen = curses.initscr()screen.addstr(0,20,'---GAMEEEEEE---')screen.addstr(2,0,'Enter a name: ')name = screen.getstr().decode('utf-8') #here it is XDscreen.refresh()creature_type = ''while creature_type not in ['h','e']:screen.addstr(3,0,'What kind of creature do you want to be? (H-Human/E-Elf): ')creature_type = screen.getkey().lower()p = Character(name, creature_type)p.char_creator()room = Room('Inside your house', 'This is your house',['rat'])room.create_enemies()#For now, let's write here, in the future we will do it betterp.room = roomscreen.erase()screen.addstr(3,0,'Hello,'+p.char_info()['name']+' you are a ' +p.char_info()['creature'])screen.refresh()#we need a main loop...command = ''while command != 'exit':screen.addstr(1,0,p.char_info()['name'])screen.addstr(5,0, p.room.describe_room()['name'])screen.addstr(20,0, 'Command: ')command = screen.getstr().decode('utf-8')screen.erase()#for now I will write some simple commands here, and then I will move themif command.lower() == 'describe':screen.addstr(8,0, 'Description: '+p.room.describe_room()['description'])screen.addstr(10,0, 'Enemies: '+p.room.describe_room()['enemies'])if command.lower() == 'stats':screen.addstr(8,0, 'Your stats: STR: '+ str(p.char_info()['strength'])+ ' DEF: '+str(p.char_info()['defense']))curses.endwin()print('Thank you for playing!')from character import Character from room import Room import curses screen = curses.initscr() screen.addstr(0,20,'---GAMEEEEEE---') screen.addstr(2,0,'Enter a name: ') name = screen.getstr().decode('utf-8') #here it is XD screen.refresh() creature_type = '' while creature_type not in ['h','e']: screen.addstr(3,0,'What kind of creature do you want to be? (H-Human/E-Elf): ') creature_type = screen.getkey().lower() p = Character(name, creature_type) p.char_creator() room = Room('Inside your house', 'This is your house',['rat']) room.create_enemies() #For now, let's write here, in the future we will do it better p.room = room screen.erase() screen.addstr(3,0,'Hello,'+p.char_info()['name']+' you are a ' +p.char_info()['creature']) screen.refresh() #we need a main loop... command = '' while command != 'exit': screen.addstr(1,0,p.char_info()['name']) screen.addstr(5,0, p.room.describe_room()['name']) screen.addstr(20,0, 'Command: ') command = screen.getstr().decode('utf-8') screen.erase() #for now I will write some simple commands here, and then I will move them if command.lower() == 'describe': screen.addstr(8,0, 'Description: '+p.room.describe_room()['description']) screen.addstr(10,0, 'Enemies: '+p.room.describe_room()['enemies']) if command.lower() == 'stats': screen.addstr(8,0, 'Your stats: STR: '+ str(p.char_info()['strength'])+ ' DEF: '+str(p.char_info()['defense'])) curses.endwin() print('Thank you for playing!')from character import Character from room import Room import curses screen = curses.initscr() screen.addstr(0,20,'---GAMEEEEEE---') screen.addstr(2,0,'Enter a name: ') name = screen.getstr().decode('utf-8') #here it is XD screen.refresh() creature_type = '' while creature_type not in ['h','e']: screen.addstr(3,0,'What kind of creature do you want to be? (H-Human/E-Elf): ') creature_type = screen.getkey().lower() p = Character(name, creature_type) p.char_creator() room = Room('Inside your house', 'This is your house',['rat']) room.create_enemies() #For now, let's write here, in the future we will do it better p.room = room screen.erase() screen.addstr(3,0,'Hello,'+p.char_info()['name']+' you are a ' +p.char_info()['creature']) screen.refresh() #we need a main loop... command = '' while command != 'exit': screen.addstr(1,0,p.char_info()['name']) screen.addstr(5,0, p.room.describe_room()['name']) screen.addstr(20,0, 'Command: ') command = screen.getstr().decode('utf-8') screen.erase() #for now I will write some simple commands here, and then I will move them if command.lower() == 'describe': screen.addstr(8,0, 'Description: '+p.room.describe_room()['description']) screen.addstr(10,0, 'Enemies: '+p.room.describe_room()['enemies']) if command.lower() == 'stats': screen.addstr(8,0, 'Your stats: STR: '+ str(p.char_info()['strength'])+ ' DEF: '+str(p.char_info()['defense'])) curses.endwin() print('Thank you for playing!')
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I know that the actual code is TERRIBLE but, it was 2 hours of chill out and non stressful coding, and this will continue in that way.
If you want to see the repo: https://github.com/Draculinio/ChillGame
The second stream? Soon enough I wish.