In this blog, we’ll walk through creating a WebSocket endpoint using FastAPI to handle real-time chat messages. WebSockets provide a full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection, which is perfect for applications requiring real-time updates like chat applications. For frontend we will create a simple html from with one text field, one send button, and you will be able to see the text you text as you and text from gemini as AI.
here are is demo of that product
Here I am talking to the AI and tell it about the me and my friends play dota 2.
I am creating simple and cool things for beginners.
let’s start
First create project in new directory then install following Package
pip install fastapipip install google-generativeaipip install python-dotenvpip install fastapi pip install google-generativeai pip install python-dotenvpip install fastapi pip install google-generativeai pip install python-dotenv
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Go to this following link to get gemini api key
in the above picture you can see that *create API key * click on it and get your api key
Now, create a file named .env in your project directory and add your key like this:
API_KEY = “here you copy paste the API key “
This is blog I will show you how can add LLM chat using fastapi
first import all libraries
import osimport google.generativeai as genaifrom fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnectfrom fastapi.responses import HTMLResponsefrom fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddlewarefrom fastapi import APIRouterfrom dotenv import load_dotenvimport os import google.generativeai as genai from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi import APIRouter from dotenv import load_dotenvimport os import google.generativeai as genai from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi import APIRouter from dotenv import load_dotenv
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then load you API key
load_dotenv()API_KEY = os.getenv("API_KEY")load_dotenv() API_KEY = os.getenv("API_KEY")load_dotenv() API_KEY = os.getenv("API_KEY")
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Now we are going to create fastapi app which
app = FastAPI(title="AI Chat API",docs_url='/',description="This API allows you to chat with an AI model using WebSocket connections.",version="1.0.0")app = FastAPI( title="AI Chat API", docs_url='/', description="This API allows you to chat with an AI model using WebSocket connections.", version="1.0.0" )app = FastAPI( title="AI Chat API", docs_url='/', description="This API allows you to chat with an AI model using WebSocket connections.", version="1.0.0" )
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after that you need to add some permisson and in the cast I am open it for all but in the production you cannot do this.
app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware,allow_origins=["*"],allow_credentials=True,allow_methods=["*"],allow_headers=["*"],)app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], )app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], )
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creating router and loading the model name gemini-1.5-flash
router = APIRouter(prefix="/chat", tags=["Chat"])genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY)model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash')router = APIRouter(prefix="/chat", tags=["Chat"]) genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash')router = APIRouter(prefix="/chat", tags=["Chat"]) genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash')
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Setting Up the WebSocket Endpoint
We’ll start by defining our WebSocket endpoint. This endpoint will allow clients to send messages to our AI model and receive streamed responses.
@router.websocket("/ws")async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):"""WebSocket endpoint for handling chat messages.This WebSocket endpoint allows clients to send messages to the AI modeland receive streamed responses.To use this endpoint, establish a WebSocket connection to `/ws`.- Send a message to the WebSocket.- Receive a response from the AI model.- If the message "exit" is sent, the chat session will end."""await websocket.accept()chat = model.start_chat(history=[])try:while True:data = await websocket.receive_text()if data.lower().startswith("you: "):user_message = data[5:]if user_message.lower() == "exit":await websocket.send_text("AI: Ending chat session.")breakresponse = chat.send_message(user_message, stream=True)full_response = ""for chunk in response:full_response += chunk.textawait websocket.send_text("AI: " + full_response)else:await websocket.send_text("AI: Please start your message with 'You: '")except WebSocketDisconnect:print("Client disconnected")finally:await websocket.close()@router.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): """ WebSocket endpoint for handling chat messages. This WebSocket endpoint allows clients to send messages to the AI model and receive streamed responses. To use this endpoint, establish a WebSocket connection to `/ws`. - Send a message to the WebSocket. - Receive a response from the AI model. - If the message "exit" is sent, the chat session will end. """ await websocket.accept() chat = model.start_chat(history=[]) try: while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() if data.lower().startswith("you: "): user_message = data[5:] if user_message.lower() == "exit": await websocket.send_text("AI: Ending chat session.") break response = chat.send_message(user_message, stream=True) full_response = "" for chunk in response: full_response += chunk.text await websocket.send_text("AI: " + full_response) else: await websocket.send_text("AI: Please start your message with 'You: '") except WebSocketDisconnect: print("Client disconnected") finally: await websocket.close()@router.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): """ WebSocket endpoint for handling chat messages. This WebSocket endpoint allows clients to send messages to the AI model and receive streamed responses. To use this endpoint, establish a WebSocket connection to `/ws`. - Send a message to the WebSocket. - Receive a response from the AI model. - If the message "exit" is sent, the chat session will end. """ await websocket.accept() chat = model.start_chat(history=[]) try: while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() if data.lower().startswith("you: "): user_message = data[5:] if user_message.lower() == "exit": await websocket.send_text("AI: Ending chat session.") break response = chat.send_message(user_message, stream=True) full_response = "" for chunk in response: full_response += chunk.text await websocket.send_text("AI: " + full_response) else: await websocket.send_text("AI: Please start your message with 'You: '") except WebSocketDisconnect: print("Client disconnected") finally: await websocket.close()
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Setting Up the Chat Interface
We’ll start by defining an HTTP endpoint that serves an HTML page. This page contains a form for sending messages and a script for handling WebSocket communication.
Here’s the code for the HTTP endpoint:
Note: I am here just showing you how to js is working I have not include the CSS that make chat box like shown above for that check following repo on github and please give it start:
@router.get("/")async def get():return HTMLResponse("""<html><head><title>Chat</title></head><body><h1>Chat with AI</h1><form action="" onsubmit="sendMessage(event)"><input type="text" id="messageText" autocomplete="off"/><button>Send</button></form><ul id="messages"></ul><script>var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");ws.onmessage = function(event) {var messages = document.getElementById('messages')var message = document.createElement('li')var content = document.createTextNode(};function sendMessage(event) {var input = document.getElementById("messageText")ws.send("You: " + input.value)input.value = ''event.preventDefault()}</script></body></html>""")@router.get("/") async def get(): return HTMLResponse(""" <html> <head> <title>Chat</title> </head> <body> <h1>Chat with AI</h1> <form action="" onsubmit="sendMessage(event)"> <input type="text" id="messageText" autocomplete="off"/> <button>Send</button> </form> <ul id="messages"> </ul> <script> var ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); ws.onmessage = function(event) { var messages = document.getElementById('messages') var message = document.createElement('li') var content = document.createTextNode( message.appendChild(content) messages.appendChild(message) }; function sendMessage(event) { var input = document.getElementById("messageText") ws.send("You: " + input.value) input.value = '' event.preventDefault() } </script> </body> </html> """)@router.get("/") async def get(): return HTMLResponse(""" <html> <head> <title>Chat</title> </head> <body> <h1>Chat with AI</h1> <form action="" onsubmit="sendMessage(event)"> <input type="text" id="messageText" autocomplete="off"/> <button>Send</button> </form> <ul id="messages"> </ul> <script> var ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); ws.onmessage = function(event) { var messages = document.getElementById('messages') var message = document.createElement('li') var content = document.createTextNode( message.appendChild(content) messages.appendChild(message) }; function sendMessage(event) { var input = document.getElementById("messageText") ws.send("You: " + input.value) input.value = '' event.preventDefault() } </script> </body> </html> """)
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Now to run the fastapi APP use following command
uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000
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after that use will see
then ctrl+click on this link
then show the docs like this
then go to the url and write /chat/ like as shown in the image
and then you are ready to chat
In this blog, we demonstrated how to create a real-time chat application using FastAPI and WebSockets, powered by a generative AI model. By following the steps outlined, you can set up a fully functional WebSocket endpoint and a basic HTML interface to interact with the AI. This combination allows for seamless, real-time communication, making it a powerful solution for chat applications and other real-time systems. With the provided code and instructions, you’re equipped to build and customize your own AI-powered chat interface.
check the code on following repo on github
here is my github profile
If you need any help contact with on linkedin
Please like and comment it will give me motivation to write new things
Thanks for Reading
原文链接:Building an AI-Powered Chat Interface Using FastAPI and Gemini