This cheat sheet is designed as a helpful guide for those who have a solid understanding of Python basics. It serves as a convenient reference while coding in Python.
Variables and Strings
Variables are used as containers to store data values in python. A string is a sequence of characters, enclosed in either single or double quotes, used for representing text data.
#Using a variablegreetings = "Good Morning!"print(greetings)#Using a variable greetings = "Good Morning!" print(greetings)#Using a variable greetings = "Good Morning!" print(greetings)
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f-strings (using variables in strings)
f-strings enable the inclusion of variables within strings to create dynamic messages.
first_name = 'Sakib'last_name = 'Kamal'full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name}print(full_name)first_name = 'Sakib' last_name = 'Kamal' full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name} print(full_name)first_name = 'Sakib' last_name = 'Kamal' full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name} print(full_name)
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Lists are ordered collections of items, mutable (can be changed), enclosed in square brackets.
#Make a listcars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'volvo']#Get the first item in a listfirst_car = cars[0]#Get the last item in a listlast_car = cars[-1]#Looping through a listfor car in cars:print(cars)#Adding items to a listcars = []cars.append('bmw')cars.append('audi')cars.append('volvo')#Making numerical listscubed_numbers = []for i in range(1, 12):cubed_numbers.append(i ** 3)print(cubed_numbers)#List comprehensionscubed_numbers = [i ** 3 for i in range(1, 12)]print(cubed_numbers)#Slicing a listmy_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]# Get the first three elementsfirst_three = my_list[:3]print(first_three) # Output: [1, 2, 3]# Get elements from index 2 to index 5 (exclusive)middle_part = my_list[2:5]print(middle_part) # Output: [3, 4, 5]# Get elements from index 5 to the endlast_part = my_list[5:]print(last_part) # Output: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]# Get every second elementevery_second = my_list[::2]print(every_second) # Output: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]# Reverse the listreversed_list = my_list[::-1]print(reversed_list) # Output: [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]#Make a list cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'volvo'] #Get the first item in a list first_car = cars[0] #Get the last item in a list last_car = cars[-1] #Looping through a list for car in cars: print(cars) #Adding items to a list cars = [] cars.append('bmw') cars.append('audi') cars.append('volvo') #Making numerical lists cubed_numbers = [] for i in range(1, 12): cubed_numbers.append(i ** 3) print(cubed_numbers) #List comprehensions cubed_numbers = [i ** 3 for i in range(1, 12)] print(cubed_numbers) #Slicing a list my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Get the first three elements first_three = my_list[:3] print(first_three) # Output: [1, 2, 3] # Get elements from index 2 to index 5 (exclusive) middle_part = my_list[2:5] print(middle_part) # Output: [3, 4, 5] # Get elements from index 5 to the end last_part = my_list[5:] print(last_part) # Output: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Get every second element every_second = my_list[::2] print(every_second) # Output: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] # Reverse the list reversed_list = my_list[::-1] print(reversed_list) # Output: [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]#Make a list cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'volvo'] #Get the first item in a list first_car = cars[0] #Get the last item in a list last_car = cars[-1] #Looping through a list for car in cars: print(cars) #Adding items to a list cars = [] cars.append('bmw') cars.append('audi') cars.append('volvo') #Making numerical lists cubed_numbers = [] for i in range(1, 12): cubed_numbers.append(i ** 3) print(cubed_numbers) #List comprehensions cubed_numbers = [i ** 3 for i in range(1, 12)] print(cubed_numbers) #Slicing a list my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Get the first three elements first_three = my_list[:3] print(first_three) # Output: [1, 2, 3] # Get elements from index 2 to index 5 (exclusive) middle_part = my_list[2:5] print(middle_part) # Output: [3, 4, 5] # Get elements from index 5 to the end last_part = my_list[5:] print(last_part) # Output: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Get every second element every_second = my_list[::2] print(every_second) # Output: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] # Reverse the list reversed_list = my_list[::-1] print(reversed_list) # Output: [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
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Tuples are ordered collections of items, immutable (cannot be changed), enclosed in parentheses.
#Making a tuplecandidates = ('Steve', 'Bill', 'Erwin')scores = ('120', '116', '132')#Making a tuple candidates = ('Steve', 'Bill', 'Erwin') scores = ('120', '116', '132')#Making a tuple candidates = ('Steve', 'Bill', 'Erwin') scores = ('120', '116', '132')
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If Statements
If statements are conditional statements that execute code based on whether a specified condition evaluates to true or false.
#equalx == 78#not equalx ! = 78#greater thanx > 78#greater than or equal tox >= 78#less thanx < 78#less than or equal tox <= 78#Conditional tests with lists'audi' in cars'toyota' not in cars#Assigning boolean valuescamera_on = Truecan_record = False#A simple if testif age >= 18:print("You can drive!")#if-elif-else statementsx = 10if x > 10:print("x is greater than 10")elif x == 10:print("x is equal to 10")else:print("x is less than 10")#equal x == 78 #not equal x ! = 78 #greater than x > 78 #greater than or equal to x >= 78 #less than x < 78 #less than or equal to x <= 78 #Conditional tests with lists 'audi' in cars 'toyota' not in cars #Assigning boolean values camera_on = True can_record = False #A simple if test if age >= 18: print("You can drive!") #if-elif-else statements x = 10 if x > 10: print("x is greater than 10") elif x == 10: print("x is equal to 10") else: print("x is less than 10")#equal x == 78 #not equal x ! = 78 #greater than x > 78 #greater than or equal to x >= 78 #less than x < 78 #less than or equal to x <= 78 #Conditional tests with lists 'audi' in cars 'toyota' not in cars #Assigning boolean values camera_on = True can_record = False #A simple if test if age >= 18: print("You can drive!") #if-elif-else statements x = 10 if x > 10: print("x is greater than 10") elif x == 10: print("x is equal to 10") else: print("x is less than 10")
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Dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs, unordered and mutable, accessed by keys rather than by their position.
# A simple dictionarystudent = {"name": "Alice","age": 20}# Accessing values in the dictionaryprint("Name:", student["name"])# Adding a new key-value pairstudent["university"] = "XYZ University"# Removing a key-value pair from the dictionarydel student["age"]#Looping through all key value pairstop_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170}for car, speed in top_speeds.items()print(f"{car} top speed is {speed}.")#Looping through all keystop_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170}for car in top_speeds.keys():print(f"{car} has some speed.")#Looping through all the valuestop_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170}for speed in top_speed.values():print(f"{speed} is the top speed.")# A simple dictionary student = {"name": "Alice","age": 20} # Accessing values in the dictionary print("Name:", student["name"]) # Adding a new key-value pair student["university"] = "XYZ University" # Removing a key-value pair from the dictionary del student["age"] #Looping through all key value pairs top_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170} for car, speed in top_speeds.items() print(f"{car} top speed is {speed}.") #Looping through all keys top_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170} for car in top_speeds.keys(): print(f"{car} has some speed.") #Looping through all the values top_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170} for speed in top_speed.values(): print(f"{speed} is the top speed.")# A simple dictionary student = {"name": "Alice","age": 20} # Accessing values in the dictionary print("Name:", student["name"]) # Adding a new key-value pair student["university"] = "XYZ University" # Removing a key-value pair from the dictionary del student["age"] #Looping through all key value pairs top_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170} for car, speed in top_speeds.items() print(f"{car} top speed is {speed}.") #Looping through all keys top_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170} for car in top_speeds.keys(): print(f"{car} has some speed.") #Looping through all the values top_speeds = {'audi': 120, 'bmw': '190', 'volvo': 170} for speed in top_speed.values(): print(f"{speed} is the top speed.")
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User input
Data provided by the user during program execution. All inputs are used as strings
#Prompting for a valuename = input("What's your name?")print(f"Hello, {name}!")age = input("How old are you?")age = int(age)pi = input("What's the value of pi? ")pi = float(pi)#Prompting for a value name = input("What's your name?") print(f"Hello, {name}!") age = input("How old are you?") age = int(age) pi = input("What's the value of pi? ") pi = float(pi)#Prompting for a value name = input("What's your name?") print(f"Hello, {name}!") age = input("How old are you?") age = int(age) pi = input("What's the value of pi? ") pi = float(pi)
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User input
Data provided by the user during program execution. All inputs are used as strings
#Prompting for a valuename = input("What's your name?")print(f"Hello, {name}!")age = input("How old are you?")age = int(age)pi = input("What's the value of pi? ")pi = float(pi)#Prompting for a value name = input("What's your name?") print(f"Hello, {name}!") age = input("How old are you?") age = int(age) pi = input("What's the value of pi? ") pi = float(pi)#Prompting for a value name = input("What's your name?") print(f"Hello, {name}!") age = input("How old are you?") age = int(age) pi = input("What's the value of pi? ") pi = float(pi)
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While loops
While loops repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.
# A simple while loopcount = 1while count <= 5:print(count)count += 1#Letting the user choose when to quitmessage = ''while message != 'quit':message = input("What's your message? ")print(message)# A simple while loop count = 1 while count <= 5: print(count) count += 1 #Letting the user choose when to quit message = '' while message != 'quit': message = input("What's your message? ") print(message)# A simple while loop count = 1 while count <= 5: print(count) count += 1 #Letting the user choose when to quit message = '' while message != 'quit': message = input("What's your message? ") print(message)
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Functions are blocks of reusable code that perform a specific task. They take inputs, perform operations and return outputs.
# A simple functiondef print_hello():"""Display a simple greeting."""print("Hello, welcome to the world of Python!")print_hello()# Passing an argumentdef greet_user(username):"""Display a personalized greeting"""print(f"Hello, {username}!")greet_user('Reid')# Default values for parametersdef icecream_flavors(flavor = 'strawberry')"""Choose your favorite icecream flavor"""print(f"Have a {flavor} icecream!")icecream_flavors()icecream_flavors('vanilla')# Returning a valuedef add_numbers(x, y):"""Add two numbers and return the sum"""return x+ysum = add_numbers(2,8)print(sum)# A simple function def print_hello(): """Display a simple greeting.""" print("Hello, welcome to the world of Python!") print_hello() # Passing an argument def greet_user(username): """Display a personalized greeting""" print(f"Hello, {username}!") greet_user('Reid') # Default values for parameters def icecream_flavors(flavor = 'strawberry') """Choose your favorite icecream flavor""" print(f"Have a {flavor} icecream!") icecream_flavors() icecream_flavors('vanilla') # Returning a value def add_numbers(x, y): """Add two numbers and return the sum""" return x+y sum = add_numbers(2,8) print(sum)# A simple function def print_hello(): """Display a simple greeting.""" print("Hello, welcome to the world of Python!") print_hello() # Passing an argument def greet_user(username): """Display a personalized greeting""" print(f"Hello, {username}!") greet_user('Reid') # Default values for parameters def icecream_flavors(flavor = 'strawberry') """Choose your favorite icecream flavor""" print(f"Have a {flavor} icecream!") icecream_flavors() icecream_flavors('vanilla') # Returning a value def add_numbers(x, y): """Add two numbers and return the sum""" return x+y sum = add_numbers(2,8) print(sum)
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Classes are blueprints for creating objects in Python. They define the properties and behaviors of objects. The information in a class is stored in attributes and functions that belong to a class are called methods. A child class inherits the attributes and methods from its parent class.
#Creating a drone classclass Drone:"""Represent a Drone."""def __init__(self,model)"""Initialize user object"""self.model = modeldef fly(self):"""Simulate flying"""print(f"{self.model} is flying.")my_drone = Drone('QuadCopter')print(f"{my_drone.model) is capable of long flights!") a drone class class Drone: """Represent a Drone.""" def __init__(self,model) """Initialize user object""" self.model = model def fly(self): """Simulate flying""" print(f"{self.model} is flying.") my_drone = Drone('QuadCopter') print(f"{my_drone.model) is capable of long flights!") a drone class class Drone: """Represent a Drone.""" def __init__(self,model) """Initialize user object""" self.model = model def fly(self): """Simulate flying""" print(f"{self.model} is flying.") my_drone = Drone('QuadCopter') print(f"{my_drone.model) is capable of long flights!")
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#Inheritanceclass SearchDrone(Drone):"""Represent a search and rescue drone."""def __init__(self,model):"""Initialize the search and rescue drone."""super().__init__(name)def search(self):"""Simulate search and rescue operation."""print(f"{self.model} is carrying a search and rescue mission")my_drone = SearchDrone('UAV')print(f"{my_drone.model} is a search and rescue drone.") class SearchDrone(Drone): """Represent a search and rescue drone.""" def __init__(self,model): """Initialize the search and rescue drone.""" super().__init__(name) def search(self): """Simulate search and rescue operation.""" print(f"{self.model} is carrying a search and rescue mission") my_drone = SearchDrone('UAV') print(f"{my_drone.model} is a search and rescue drone.") class SearchDrone(Drone): """Represent a search and rescue drone.""" def __init__(self,model): """Initialize the search and rescue drone.""" super().__init__(name) def search(self): """Simulate search and rescue operation.""" print(f"{self.model} is carrying a search and rescue mission") my_drone = SearchDrone('UAV') print(f"{my_drone.model} is a search and rescue drone.")
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Working with files
Working with files in Python involves reading from and writing to files on your computer’s filesystem. Python provides built-in functions and methods for opening, reading, writing, and closing files. Files are opened in read mode (‘r’) by default, but can also be opened in write mode (‘w’) and append mode (‘a’).
Exception helps you respond to possible errors that are likely to occur. The code that might cause an error is put in the try block. Code that should run in response to an error goes in the except block. Code that should run only if the try block is successful goes in the else block.
try:# Code that may raise an exceptionx = 10 / 0 # Attempting to divide by zeroexcept ZeroDivisionError:# Handling the specific exception (division by zero)print("Error: You cannot divide by zero!")else:# This block will execute if no exception occursprint("Division successful!")finally:# This block will execute whether an exception occurs or notprint("End of the program.")try: # Code that may raise an exception x = 10 / 0 # Attempting to divide by zero except ZeroDivisionError: # Handling the specific exception (division by zero) print("Error: You cannot divide by zero!") else: # This block will execute if no exception occurs print("Division successful!") finally: # This block will execute whether an exception occurs or not print("End of the program.")try: # Code that may raise an exception x = 10 / 0 # Attempting to divide by zero except ZeroDivisionError: # Handling the specific exception (division by zero) print("Error: You cannot divide by zero!") else: # This block will execute if no exception occurs print("Division successful!") finally: # This block will execute whether an exception occurs or not print("End of the program.")
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This Python cheat sheet provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of essential concepts for beginners. By leveraging this guide, you can quickly reference key topics such as variables, strings, lists, tuples, if statements, dictionaries, user input, loops, functions, classes, file handling, and exceptions. Keep this cheat sheet handy to reinforce your understanding and enhance your coding efficiency in Python.