How can i RUN the Jupyter and/or google collaboratory, based visualization codes into my PHP webpage

How can I effectively integrate a Jupyter-based network visualization code, written in Python, into my PHP-based webpage? I’ve attempted to execute the Python script using shell_exec in PHP, but I’m open to alternative solutions and ideas. The Python script generates a network visualization, and I want to display this visualization on my webpage. Are there recommended practices for achieving this integration while ensuring security and flexibility in the visualization output format?

$scriptPath = 'C:\..\'; // Replace with the full path to your Python script
//$command = escapeshellcmd("$pythonPath $scriptPath");
$command = escapeshellcmd("$scriptPath");
$output = shell_exec($command);
echo "Script Output:<br>";
echo $output;
$scriptPath = 'C:\..\';  // Replace with the full path to your Python script

//$command = escapeshellcmd("$pythonPath $scriptPath");

$command = escapeshellcmd("$scriptPath");
$output = shell_exec($command);

echo "Script Output:<br>";
echo $output;
$scriptPath = 'C:\..\'; // Replace with the full path to your Python script //$command = escapeshellcmd("$pythonPath $scriptPath"); $command = escapeshellcmd("$scriptPath"); $output = shell_exec($command); echo "Script Output:<br>"; echo $output;

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