Dungeons and Dragon’s style terminal game.

I have been a massive fan of D&D for a little over a year now. I first got into D&D via the Critical Role youtube channel and since then my love for it has grown. Since the middle of 2023, I have also been learning to code. So with my below program I wrote for my codeacemy portfolio course in which I had to make a terminal game, I saw my opportunity to combine coding and Dungeons and Dragons.

At this point, its very basic, for the sake of the portfolio challenge, however there is a lot of scope to improve and add more features down the line.

For now, the basic game allows you to select a character name, pick from 1 of 3 classes, figth 1 of 3 bosses, choose whether to use a special attack, or a normal attack and saves gold winnings in a text file with the time and date.

If you want to give it a go, feel free to check it out at https://github.com/Nayr91/Codecademy/blob/master/battle_with_dice.py. Let me know if you have any ideas you think I could add below.

Thanks for reading!

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