A HashMap in Java is a data structure that allows you to store and retrieve key-value pairs efficiently. It works like a dictionary where each key is associated with a value. When you add a key-value pair to a HashMap, Java uses a hash function to compute a unique hash code for the key. This hash code is then used to determine the index at which the key-value pair will be stored in an underlying array.
Table of contents
1.Why Hashmap?
2.How does HashMap works in java?
3.Hashmap initialization
4.Hashmap example
5.Frequently used Hashmap Methods
1. Why HashMap?
Let’s assume a scenario where we need to declare multiple number of variables , of course we can assign each variable individually one by one but after certain number of variables declared it becomes clumsy and hard to keep track of the variables. So in order to solve this Hashmap comes into play. Hashmap assigns the variables and their values in key-Value pairs similar to dictionary in python.
2. How does HashMap works in java?
Here are some points to remember for Hashmaps in Java:
- It does not maintain any order.
- It is non-synchronised.
- It may contain one or more null values.
- Initially, the default capacity of the Java Hashmap class is 16.
- The operation of storing and retrieving the object is done at a constant time, provided that the key is known. The method to store the object is put(key, value) and the method to retrieve the object is get(key).
There are following parameters in Java Hashmap:
K: the type of keys maintained by the map
V: the type of values mapped.
3. Hashmap initialization:
In java hashmaps can be initialization by following code snippet,
HashMap<wrapperClass of Key, wrapperClass of Value> hash = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
Now what is this wrapper class? let’s understand that,
A wrapper class is a class that provides a way to encapsulate primitive data types (such as int, char, boolean, etc.) into objects. Wrapper classes allow us to treat these primitive types as objects and provide additional functionality to them.
4. Hashmap example:
Let us take a scenario where we have to assign variables for a set of usernames and passwords, if we try to implement this without hashmaps it looks something like this,
String user1="person1";
String password1="xxz";
String user2="person2";
String password2="xxxz";
String user3="person3";
String password3="xxxxz";
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This looks ugly and this is not a good practice of coding. Let’s implement the same using Hashmap.
import java.util.HashMap; //importing hashmap package
public class hashmap {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//initialization of hashmap by creating an instance
HashMap<String,String> usersHash = new HashMap<String,String>();
//Using put method of hashmap to add new values in hashmap
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The output for the above example would be,
{person3=xxxxz, person2=xxxz, person1=xxz}
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it returns a key-value pair.
It’s as simple as that.!, Hashmap also has number of methods to perform various actions on the map.
5. Frequently used Hashmap Methods:
boolean isEmpty() – Return true if this map contains no
key-value mappings.
Object clone() – Return a shallow copy of this HashMap
instance: the keys and values themselves
are not cloned.
Set entrySet() – Return a collection view of the mappings
contained in this map.
Set keySet() – Return a set view of the keys contained in
this map.
V put(Object key, Object value) – It is used to insert
an entry in the map.
putAll(Map map) – Insert the specified map in the map.
V remove(Object key) – Delete an entry for the specified key.
I hope this post helps you to get a better understanding about hashmaps in java.
Happy coding…