What is this?
This is a resource made, admittedly mostly for myself, that will allow me to recall a method of Python dev environment management I don’t dislike. It covers the use of two distinct but important Python environment helpers:
- PyEnv (Docs)
- Uses path shims to help you manage several versions of Python simultaneously.
- Poetry (Docs)
- A dependency manager that feels similar in my approximation to a tool like
from the Node world, and automates certain tasks (venv creation and activation for example).
- A dependency manager that feels similar in my approximation to a tool like
Why make this / why read this?
- You find that managing Python projects in a clean, repeatable, and predictable way is less simple (or less fun) than you have found the process to be in other languages.
How do I use / read this?
This is a technical guide not an in depth explanation (though that may be forthcoming) and so I expect this guide to be used primarily as a way to kick start your memory on how to set up Python projects in a way you don’t dislike. Best of luck
Pre-Reqs 🫸
These steps are to be done once per machine and if you’ve already accomplished these steps you may skip this section.
Install PyEnv & A Modern Python Version
brew updatebrew <span>install </span>pyenvpyenv <span>--version</span><span># pyenv 2.3.15</span>pyenv <span>install </span>3.10.7<span># Wait for a bit for install to finish...</span>pyenv shell 3.10.7python <span>--version</span><span># Python 3.10.7 </span>brew update brew <span>install </span>pyenv pyenv <span>--version</span> <span># pyenv 2.3.15</span> pyenv <span>install </span>3.10.7 <span># Wait for a bit for install to finish...</span> pyenv shell 3.10.7 python <span>--version</span> <span># Python 3.10.7 </span>brew update brew install pyenv pyenv --version # pyenv 2.3.15 pyenv install 3.10.7 # Wait for a bit for install to finish... pyenv shell 3.10.7 python --version # Python 3.10.7
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Optional: Set A System Wide Python Version
pyenv global 3.10.7pyenv global 3.10.7pyenv global 3.10.7
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Install Poetry ️
curl <span>-sSL</span> https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -poetry <span>--version</span>curl <span>-sSL</span> https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - poetry <span>--version</span>curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - poetry --version
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Optional: Tell poetry to create virtual environments in the current project directory
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project <span>true </span>poetry config virtualenvs.in-project<span># true</span>poetry config virtualenvs.in-project <span>true </span>poetry config virtualenvs.in-project <span># true</span>poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true poetry config virtualenvs.in-project # true
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Steps 🧭
- Make a new project directory
<span>cd </span>Desktop/Code/personal/python<span>mkdir </span>planet-express-api<span>cd </span>planet-express-api<span>cd </span>Desktop/Code/personal/python <span>mkdir </span>planet-express-api <span>cd </span>planet-express-apicd Desktop/Code/personal/python mkdir planet-express-api cd planet-express-api
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- Set a Python version for this project directory
pyenv <span>local </span>3.10.7python <span>--version</span><span># 3.10.7</span><span>cat</span> .python-version<span># 3.10.7</span>pyenv <span>local </span>3.10.7 python <span>--version</span> <span># 3.10.7</span> <span>cat</span> .python-version <span># 3.10.7</span>pyenv local 3.10.7 python --version # 3.10.7 cat .python-version # 3.10.7
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Note: This command will create a file that pyenv
looks for in the current working directory (the folder you are in) whose content will tell pyenv which Python version to use.
- Create a poetry project
<span># Leave off the -n flag if you wish to add precise data </span><span># to the pyproject.toml file poetry creates.</span>poetry init <span>-n</span><span>ls</span> | <span>grep </span>pyproject.toml<span># pyproject.toml</span><span># Leave off the -n flag if you wish to add precise data </span> <span># to the pyproject.toml file poetry creates.</span> poetry init <span>-n</span> <span>ls</span> | <span>grep </span>pyproject.toml <span># pyproject.toml</span># Leave off the -n flag if you wish to add precise data # to the pyproject.toml file poetry creates. poetry init -n ls | grep pyproject.toml # pyproject.toml
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- Initialize and start your Virtual Environment using poetry
poetry shell<span># Creating virtualenv planet-express-api</span><span># bash -c planet-express-api/.venv/bin/activate</span>poetry shell <span># Creating virtualenv planet-express-api</span> <span># bash -c planet-express-api/.venv/bin/activate</span>poetry shell # Creating virtualenv planet-express-api # bash -c planet-express-api/.venv/bin/activate
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- Test it by adding a dependency
<span># Add a dependency</span>poetry add pendulum<span># Start a Python REPL</span>python<span># Use the dependency</span>import pendulumnow <span>=</span> pendulum.now<span>(</span><span>"Europe/Paris"</span><span>)</span>now.to_iso8601_string<span>()</span><span># '2023-05-27T19:40:17.452958+02:00'</span><span># Use `ctrl + d` to exit the REPL </span><span># Add a dependency</span> poetry add pendulum <span># Start a Python REPL</span> python <span># Use the dependency</span> import pendulum now <span>=</span> pendulum.now<span>(</span><span>"Europe/Paris"</span><span>)</span> now.to_iso8601_string<span>()</span> <span># '2023-05-27T19:40:17.452958+02:00'</span> <span># Use `ctrl + d` to exit the REPL </span># Add a dependency poetry add pendulum # Start a Python REPL python # Use the dependency import pendulum now = pendulum.now("Europe/Paris") now.to_iso8601_string() # '2023-05-27T19:40:17.452958+02:00' # Use `ctrl + d` to exit the REPL
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- Stop using the virtual environment
<span># Exit the virtual environment</span>deactivate<span># Start a Python REPL</span>python<span># Validate the dependency is not available</span>import pendulumModuleNotFoundError: No module named <span>'pendulum'</span><span># Exit the virtual environment</span> deactivate <span># Start a Python REPL</span> python <span># Validate the dependency is not available</span> import pendulum ModuleNotFoundError: No module named <span>'pendulum'</span># Exit the virtual environment deactivate # Start a Python REPL python # Validate the dependency is not available import pendulum ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pendulum'
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Note: To get back into the virtual environment just use poetry shell
In this article you have used PyEnv and Poetry together to create a project in a desired version of Python (pyenv
) whose dependencies and virtual environment are managed by a single robust tool (poetry
) cheers to you