Python is a general high-level programming language easy to understand and execute, it is open-source, which means it is free to use. In this article we would be discussing LOOPS IN PYTHON.
Before we go too far, let us get a basic understanding of loops, loops in Python allow us to execute a group of statements several times.
Python loops can be executed in two ways, they provide similar basic functionality but they differ in their syntax and condition-checking time.
- While Loop
- For Loop
During this article you will learn how to implement loops in the Python program and also upgrade your Python programming skillsets, this article will assist you better in understanding how and when to use loops, how to end loops and the functionality of loops in Python.
In Python a while loop is used to execute a block of statements repeatedly until a given condition is achieved, when the condition becomes false, the line immediately after the loop is executed.
#pythonwhile expression:statement(s)#python while expression: statement(s)#python while expression: statement(s)
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This particular loop instructs the computer to continuously execute a code based on the value of a condition.
Example of while loop:
#python program to illustrate while loopn = 0while (n < 3):n = n + 1print('This is a while loop')#python program to illustrate while loop n = 0 while (n < 3): n = n + 1 print('This is a while loop')#python program to illustrate while loop n = 0 while (n < 3): n = n + 1 print('This is a while loop')
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This is a while loop
This is a while loop
This is a while loop
Else statement with while loop in Python:
This else clause is only activated if your while condition becomes false, if you break out of the loop or an exception is raised, it won’t be executed.
Here is an example of else statement with a while loop:
#pythonn = 0while (n < 3):n = n + 1print('This is a while loop')else:print('This is an else statement with a while loop')#python n = 0 while (n < 3): n = n + 1 print('This is a while loop') else: print('This is an else statement with a while loop')#python n = 0 while (n < 3): n = n + 1 print('This is a while loop') else: print('This is an else statement with a while loop')
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This is a while loop
This is a while loop
This is a while loop
This is an else statement with a while loop
Infinite while loop in Python
An infinite loop is a loop that keeps executing and never stops, If we want a block of code to execute an infinite number of times, we can use the infinite loop.
#python to illustrate infinite loopcount = 0while count == 0:print('infinite loop')#python to illustrate infinite loop count = 0 while count == 0: print('infinite loop')#python to illustrate infinite loop count = 0 while count == 0: print('infinite loop')
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Note: It is suggested to never use this type of loop as it is a never-ending infinite loop where the condition is true, you would have to forcefully terminate the compiler. To avoid this issue, it’s a good idea to take a moment to consider the different values a variable can take. This helps you make sure the loop won’t get stuck during iteration.
A for loop iterates over a sequence of values. In Python, there is a “for in” loop which is similar to the “for each” loop in other programming languages.
#pythonfor iterator_val in sequence:statement(s)#python for iterator_val in sequence: statement(s)#python for iterator_val in sequence: statement(s)
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It can be used to iterate over a range and iterators
#pythonfor i in range(5):print(i)#python for i in range(5): print(i)#python for i in range(5): print(i)
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Well, the power of the for loop is that we can use it to iterate over a sequence of values of any type, not just a range of numbers. For example, we can iterate over a list of strings or words:
#pythonfriends = ['Tommy', 'Johnny',' Mike']for name in friends:print('Hello',name)#python friends = ['Tommy', 'Johnny',' Mike'] for name in friends: print('Hello',name)#python friends = ['Tommy', 'Johnny',' Mike'] for name in friends: print('Hello',name)
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Hello Tommy
Hello johnny
Hello Mikey
The sequence that the For loop iterates over could contain any type of element, not just strings. For example, we could iterate over a list of numbers to calculate the total sum and average.
#pythonvalues = [2,3,4,5,60,30]sum, length = 0, 0for value in values:sum += valuelength += 1print('TOTAL SUM: ' + str(sum) + ' AVERAGE: ' + str(round(sum/length,2)))#python values = [2,3,4,5,60,30] sum, length = 0, 0 for value in values: sum += value length += 1 print('TOTAL SUM: ' + str(sum) + ' AVERAGE: ' + str(round(sum/length,2)))#python values = [2,3,4,5,60,30] sum, length = 0, 0 for value in values: sum += value length += 1 print('TOTAL SUM: ' + str(sum) + ' AVERAGE: ' + str(round(sum/length,2)))
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Else statement with for loop in Python:
We can also combine the else statement with FOR loop like in the WHILE loop. But as there is no condition in for loop based on which the execution will terminate so the else block will be executed immediately after for block finishes execution.
#python# Python program to illustrate# combining else with forlist = ["book", "for", "book"]for index in range(len(list)):print(list[index])else:print("Inside Else Block")#python # Python program to illustrate # combining else with for list = ["book", "for", "book"] for index in range(len(list)): print(list[index]) else: print("Inside Else Block")#python # Python program to illustrate # combining else with for list = ["book", "for", "book"] for index in range(len(list)): print(list[index]) else: print("Inside Else Block")
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Inside Else Block
If you are wondering when you should use FOR and WHILE loops, there is a way to tell;
- Use FOR loops when there is a sequence of elements that you want to iterate.
- Use WHILE loops when you want to repeat an action until a condition changes.
A nested loop is one or more FOR loops inside another loop.
#pythonfor iterator_var in sequence:for iterator_var in sequence:statement(s)statement(s)#python for iterator_var in sequence: for iterator_var in sequence: statement(s) statement(s)#python for iterator_var in sequence: for iterator_var in sequence: statement(s) statement(s)
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The syntax for a nested while loop in Python programming:
#pythonwhile expression:while expression:statement(s):statement(s):#python while expression: while expression: statement(s): statement(s):#python while expression: while expression: statement(s): statement(s):
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# Python program to illustrate# nested for loops in Pythonfrom __future__ import print_functionfor i in range(1, 5):for j in range(i):print(i, end=' ')print()# Python program to illustrate # nested for loops in Python from __future__ import print_function for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(i): print(i, end=' ') print()# Python program to illustrate # nested for loops in Python from __future__ import print_function for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(i): print(i, end=' ') print()
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2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
Loop Control Statements
Loop control statements change execution from their normal sequence. When execution leaves a scope, all automatic objects that were created in that scope are destroyed. Python supports the following control statements.
Continue Statement
The CONTINUE statement in Python returns the control to the beginning of the loop.
#python# Prints all letters except 'o' and 'k'for letter in 'bookforbook':if letter == 'o' or letter == 'k':continueprint('Current Letter :', letter)#python # Prints all letters except 'o' and 'k' for letter in 'bookforbook': if letter == 'o' or letter == 'k': continue print('Current Letter :', letter)#python # Prints all letters except 'o' and 'k' for letter in 'bookforbook': if letter == 'o' or letter == 'k': continue print('Current Letter :', letter)
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Current Letter : b
Current Letter : f
Current Letter : r
Current Letter : b
Break Statement
The BREAK statement in Python brings control out of the loop.
#pythonfor letter in 'bookforbook':# break the loop as soon it sees 'o'# or 'k'if letter == 'o' or letter == 'k':breakprint('Current Letter :', letter)#python for letter in 'bookforbook': # break the loop as soon it sees 'o' # or 'k' if letter == 'o' or letter == 'k': break print('Current Letter :', letter)#python for letter in 'bookforbook': # break the loop as soon it sees 'o' # or 'k' if letter == 'o' or letter == 'k': break print('Current Letter :', letter)
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Current Letter : o
Pass Statement
#python# An empty loopfor letter in 'bookforbook':passprint('Last Letter :', letter)#python # An empty loop for letter in 'bookforbook': pass print('Last Letter :', letter)#python # An empty loop for letter in 'bookforbook': pass print('Last Letter :', letter)
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Last Letter : k
Common Mistakes With Loops In Python
Iterating over non-sequences: As I’ve mentioned already, for loops iterate over sequences. Consequently, Python’s interpreter will refuse to iterate over single elements, such as integers or non-iterable objects.
Failure to initialize variables. Make sure all the variables used in the loop’s condition are initialized before the loop.
Unintended infinite loops. Make sure that the body of the loop modifies the variables used in the condition so that the loop will eventually end for all possible values of the variables.
Forgetting that the upper limit of a range() isn’t included.
How does For loop in Python works internally?:
Before proceeding to this section, you should have a prior understanding of Python Iterators.
Firstly, let’s see what a simple for loop looks like.
#python# A simple for-loop examplefruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"]for fruit in fruits:print(fruit)#python # A simple for-loop example fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"] for fruit in fruits: print(fruit)#python # A simple for-loop example fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"] for fruit in fruits: print(fruit)
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Here we can see the for loops iterates over iterable object fruit which is a list. Lists, sets, and dictionaries are few iterable objects while an integer object is not an iterable object. For loops can iterate over any of these iterable objects.
Now with the help of the above example, let’s dive deep and see what happens internally here.
- Make the list (iterable) an iterable object with the help of the iter() function.
- Run an infinite while loop and break only if the StopIteration is raised.
- In the try block, we fetch the next element of fruits with the next() function.
- After fetching the element we did the operation to be performed with the element. (i.e print(fruit))
#pythonfruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"]# Creating an iterator object# from that iterable i.e fruitsiter_obj = iter(fruits)# Infinite while loopwhile True:try:# getting the next itemfruit = next(iter_obj)print(fruit)except StopIteration:# if StopIteration is raised,# break from loopbreak#python fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"] # Creating an iterator object # from that iterable i.e fruits iter_obj = iter(fruits) # Infinite while loop while True: try: # getting the next item fruit = next(iter_obj) print(fruit) except StopIteration: # if StopIteration is raised, # break from loop break#python fruits = ["apple", "orange", "kiwi"] # Creating an iterator object # from that iterable i.e fruits iter_obj = iter(fruits) # Infinite while loop while True: try: # getting the next item fruit = next(iter_obj) print(fruit) except StopIteration: # if StopIteration is raised, # break from loop break
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In this article, I explained how to tell a computer to do an action repetitively. Python gives us three different ways to perform repetitive tasks: while loops, for loops.
For loops are best when you want to iterate over a known sequence of elements but when you want to operate while a certain condition is true, while loops are the best choice.