Loading repositories to docker and testing them!

My code-maven mentor: @szabgab

Today I got hands-on experience with docker and containers.
I have downloaded the docker desktop program so that it will be visually more clearer.

I run a container for each repository that I found interesting in Python coding language. For more than 5 repositories, I run their tests, sent PRs to update their README file to have much more clearer instructions so that users who wants to contribute and check their tests, will have a better understanding.

You can feel the fast and reliable containers running, you stop them at any time and start them at any time. It is way much better and faster than using VmWare.

The repositories that I tested with docker are:

I have learned a lot about how to use docker and containers, some libraries that are known to be required to run the basic operations. Those libraries are poetry and pytest (for now).

After using these repositories in their containers, I decided to send PRs to some of them, making their README much more clearer:

That is my contribution for today,
Thank you everyone 🙂

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