Day 15: Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package

ci-2022-12 (27 Part Series)

1 The 2022 December CI Challenge
2 Day 2: Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
23 more parts…
3 Day 1: Test and CI for MoreBeautifulPython
4 Day 3: CI for farmworld, a Python package – a failed attempt
5 Day 3 v2: GitHub Action CI for wsblib Python
6 Day 4: GitHub Actions for Colombian Spanish.
7 Day 5: CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module
8 Day 6: GitHub Actions CI for the pcr_optimizer Python package
9 Day 7: Be pragmatic setting up CI for the RDF::KV
10 Day 8: Adding CI to Perl::Efl – sometimes you need to do some extra work
11 Day 9: CI for Mojo-UserAgent-Cached and Plack-Middleware-Greylist
12 Day 10: GitHub Actions CI for the rdf-kv Ruby Gem
13 Day 11: CI for wp2txt Ruby project
14 Day 12: CI for sdk-py Python packages
15 Day 13: CI for a Python project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
16 Day 14: CI for the Log::Any Perl module
17 Day 15: Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package
18 Day 16: Moving from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions for Marpa::R2
19 Day 17: A JavaScript bug and GitHub Workflow CI for the four-pillars Ruby gem
20 Day 18: GitHub Workflow for ruby-request-builder – false security
21 Day 19: CI for Plack-Middleware-LogAny
22 Day 20: Skeletons are good, but can be misleading – CI for the draftjs_html Ruby Gem
23 Day 21: CI for multi_string_replace Ruby Gem
24 Day 22: Full gas in neutral – CI for prepper
25 Day 23: CI using timescaledb a PostgreSQL based time series database
26 Day 24: CI for perl5-MIME-Types
27 Day 25: CI for Data::Alias in Perl – including threaded perl

A few days ago, while I was looking for a Python package to set up with CI, I bumped into the vfxpaths. I tried to run the tests on my Ubuntu-based Docker container, but they failed due to some path-issues I reported.

Yesterday the author updated the issue saying that it has been fixed so today I tried it again.

It failed again, but this time on a test-file that was added a few hours ago. I updated the issue, but now that I see the author is actually interested fixing this issue, I though it might be more useful if I configured GitHub Action on the 3 platforms.

Once this pull-request is accepted on every push the tests will run on Linux, Windows, and macOS so the author will get almost immediate feedback if the path issue was solved and later if that or anything else breaks again it will be much faster to notice and therefor much easier to fix.

GitHub Actions

name: CI

# schedule:
# - cron: '42 5 * * *'

      fail-fast: false
        runner: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
        python-version: ["3.11"]

    runs-on: ${{matrix.runner}}
    name: OS ${{matrix.runner}} Python ${{matrix.python-version}}

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        # pip install -r requirements.txt
        pip install pytest

    - name: Check Python version
      run: python -V

    - name: Test with pytest
      run: pytest -vs

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Sometimes there is clear evidence that having a CI running on every push can shorten the feedback cycle and allow people who might have no direct access to all 3 operating system (which is about everyone) to see if their code works there and to experiment fixing issue on other platforms as well.

ci-2022-12 (27 Part Series)

1 The 2022 December CI Challenge
2 Day 2: Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
23 more parts…
3 Day 1: Test and CI for MoreBeautifulPython
4 Day 3: CI for farmworld, a Python package – a failed attempt
5 Day 3 v2: GitHub Action CI for wsblib Python
6 Day 4: GitHub Actions for Colombian Spanish.
7 Day 5: CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module
8 Day 6: GitHub Actions CI for the pcr_optimizer Python package
9 Day 7: Be pragmatic setting up CI for the RDF::KV
10 Day 8: Adding CI to Perl::Efl – sometimes you need to do some extra work
11 Day 9: CI for Mojo-UserAgent-Cached and Plack-Middleware-Greylist
12 Day 10: GitHub Actions CI for the rdf-kv Ruby Gem
13 Day 11: CI for wp2txt Ruby project
14 Day 12: CI for sdk-py Python packages
15 Day 13: CI for a Python project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
16 Day 14: CI for the Log::Any Perl module
17 Day 15: Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package
18 Day 16: Moving from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions for Marpa::R2
19 Day 17: A JavaScript bug and GitHub Workflow CI for the four-pillars Ruby gem
20 Day 18: GitHub Workflow for ruby-request-builder – false security
21 Day 19: CI for Plack-Middleware-LogAny
22 Day 20: Skeletons are good, but can be misleading – CI for the draftjs_html Ruby Gem
23 Day 21: CI for multi_string_replace Ruby Gem
24 Day 22: Full gas in neutral – CI for prepper
25 Day 23: CI using timescaledb a PostgreSQL based time series database
26 Day 24: CI for perl5-MIME-Types
27 Day 25: CI for Data::Alias in Perl – including threaded perl

原文链接:Day 15: Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package

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