Python: My Learning Journey

Hi there,

My name is Terrell, and I am an aspiring software engineer. I am starting this writing to accomplish a few tasks.

The first is to put what I’m learning into a format that reenforces the skills that I am developing. What skills you ask?? PYTHON the wonderful world of automation, data manipulation and of course API’s.

Truth be told…. I um…don’t really know what all of that means. But finding out what these terms mean is the purpose of this blog along with reason 2 of why I’m doing this.

It is to hopefully help others who are learning Python as well. I have dabbled in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I found the first two to be pretty easy to learn. JavaScript….well we won’t talk about that right now. I’m having a good day, lol.

Anyways, when I started learning about Python I was immediately engaged and wanted to know more. I’ve heard that Python is super easy to learn and user friendly and it is a great beginner language. Well…I’m a beginner so heck yeah!

As with anything worth doing. This won’t be a cakewalk. I will certainly oof on understanding certain concepts, tools and best practices. (I’m taking to you PEP 8 standards)

But my hope is with struggle comes understanding. and from this understanding comes skill. This way we can get past the technicalities and start solving issues.

So, stay tuned, odds are I will have more questions than answers. But the great thing is we can answer them together. Be well.

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