June was mostly Python, although I did do chapter 1 of Scratch 3 Games for Kids with Sam. He really, really enjoyed it and I anticipate doing the challenge problems and maybe chapter 2 in July or August.
I read the intro and first couple chapters of both Flask Web Development, 2nd Edition and Data Visualization with Python and Javascript, both from a recent Humble Bundle. The Flask book may be useful for learning more about creating a non-Django site and, even if I mostly stick with FastAPI, it should provide some concepts that are applicable across both frameworks. With the data visualization book, I would love to use that to better visualize my annual Last.fm stats.
Advent of Code
While at my in-laws’ house, I completed days 13 and 14 of 2015’s Advent of Code. Back when I first started working on Advent of Code 2015, I went through all the problems and posted my first stab at a solution into a Google document. For day 13 I’d predicted that a modified version of the Traveling Salesman problem I’d done in 2015 Day 9 might work, using an asymmetrical matrix. That turned out to be exactly the right solution. In Ruby I learned how to do a Ternary expression. In the function “create_guest_hash” see the number = expression.
require "../../input_parsing/parse_input"def create_guest_hash(lines)guest_hash = Hash.newlines.each do | line |people_and_values = line.scan(/(\w+) would (gain|lose) (\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\w+)\./)if !guest_hash.has_key?(people_and_values[0][0])guest_hash[people_and_values[0][0]] = {}endnumber = people_and_values[0][1] == "lose" ? "-#{people_and_values[0][2]}" : "#{people_and_values[0][2]}"guest_hash[people_and_values[0][0]][people_and_values[0][3]] = numberendguest_hashenddef create_matrix(guest_hash)index_hash = Hash.newguest_hash.keys.each_with_index do | key, index |index_hash[index] = keyendmatrix = []index_hash.keys.each_with_index do |index|temp_internal_list = []current_person = index_hash[index]index_hash.keys.each_with_index do |internal_index|if internal_index == indextemp_internal_list.append(0)elsetemp_internal_list.append(guest_hash[current_person][index_hash[internal_index]].to_i)endendmatrix.append(temp_internal_list)endmatrixenddef perfect_seating(happiness_graph, starting_person, number_of_people)vertex = [](0...number_of_people).each do |number|if number != starting_personvertex.append(number)endendmax_happiness = 0permutation_list = vertex.permutation.to_apermutation_list.each do |permutation|current_happiness_weight = 0outer_array_index = starting_personpermutation.each do |inner_array_index|current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[outer_array_index][inner_array_index]current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[inner_array_index][outer_array_index]outer_array_index = inner_array_indexendcurrent_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[outer_array_index][starting_person]current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[starting_person][outer_array_index]max_happiness = [max_happiness, current_happiness_weight].maxendmax_happinessendif $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__guest_preferences = input_per_line('../input.txt')guest_preference_hash = create_guest_hash(guest_preferences)guest_preference_matrix = create_matrix(guest_preference_hash)starting_person = 0total_happiness = perfect_seating(guest_preference_matrix, starting_person, guest_preference_matrix.length)puts "With the perfect seating arrangement total happiness is #{total_happiness}."endrequire "../../input_parsing/parse_input" def create_guest_hash(lines) guest_hash = Hash.new lines.each do | line | people_and_values = line.scan(/(\w+) would (gain|lose) (\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\w+)\./) if !guest_hash.has_key?(people_and_values[0][0]) guest_hash[people_and_values[0][0]] = {} end number = people_and_values[0][1] == "lose" ? "-#{people_and_values[0][2]}" : "#{people_and_values[0][2]}" guest_hash[people_and_values[0][0]][people_and_values[0][3]] = number end guest_hash end def create_matrix(guest_hash) index_hash = Hash.new guest_hash.keys.each_with_index do | key, index | index_hash[index] = key end matrix = [] index_hash.keys.each_with_index do |index| temp_internal_list = [] current_person = index_hash[index] index_hash.keys.each_with_index do |internal_index| if internal_index == index temp_internal_list.append(0) else temp_internal_list.append(guest_hash[current_person][index_hash[internal_index]].to_i) end end matrix.append(temp_internal_list) end matrix end def perfect_seating(happiness_graph, starting_person, number_of_people) vertex = [] (0...number_of_people).each do |number| if number != starting_person vertex.append(number) end end max_happiness = 0 permutation_list = vertex.permutation.to_a permutation_list.each do |permutation| current_happiness_weight = 0 outer_array_index = starting_person permutation.each do |inner_array_index| current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[outer_array_index][inner_array_index] current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[inner_array_index][outer_array_index] outer_array_index = inner_array_index end current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[outer_array_index][starting_person] current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[starting_person][outer_array_index] max_happiness = [max_happiness, current_happiness_weight].max end max_happiness end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ guest_preferences = input_per_line('../input.txt') guest_preference_hash = create_guest_hash(guest_preferences) guest_preference_matrix = create_matrix(guest_preference_hash) starting_person = 0 total_happiness = perfect_seating(guest_preference_matrix, starting_person, guest_preference_matrix.length) puts "With the perfect seating arrangement total happiness is #{total_happiness}." endrequire "../../input_parsing/parse_input" def create_guest_hash(lines) guest_hash = Hash.new lines.each do | line | people_and_values = line.scan(/(\w+) would (gain|lose) (\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\w+)\./) if !guest_hash.has_key?(people_and_values[0][0]) guest_hash[people_and_values[0][0]] = {} end number = people_and_values[0][1] == "lose" ? "-#{people_and_values[0][2]}" : "#{people_and_values[0][2]}" guest_hash[people_and_values[0][0]][people_and_values[0][3]] = number end guest_hash end def create_matrix(guest_hash) index_hash = Hash.new guest_hash.keys.each_with_index do | key, index | index_hash[index] = key end matrix = [] index_hash.keys.each_with_index do |index| temp_internal_list = [] current_person = index_hash[index] index_hash.keys.each_with_index do |internal_index| if internal_index == index temp_internal_list.append(0) else temp_internal_list.append(guest_hash[current_person][index_hash[internal_index]].to_i) end end matrix.append(temp_internal_list) end matrix end def perfect_seating(happiness_graph, starting_person, number_of_people) vertex = [] (0...number_of_people).each do |number| if number != starting_person vertex.append(number) end end max_happiness = 0 permutation_list = vertex.permutation.to_a permutation_list.each do |permutation| current_happiness_weight = 0 outer_array_index = starting_person permutation.each do |inner_array_index| current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[outer_array_index][inner_array_index] current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[inner_array_index][outer_array_index] outer_array_index = inner_array_index end current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[outer_array_index][starting_person] current_happiness_weight += happiness_graph[starting_person][outer_array_index] max_happiness = [max_happiness, current_happiness_weight].max end max_happiness end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ guest_preferences = input_per_line('../input.txt') guest_preference_hash = create_guest_hash(guest_preferences) guest_preference_matrix = create_matrix(guest_preference_hash) starting_person = 0 total_happiness = perfect_seating(guest_preference_matrix, starting_person, guest_preference_matrix.length) puts "With the perfect seating arrangement total happiness is #{total_happiness}." end
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Day 14 turned out to be a very easy solution that was able to use what I’d come up with ahead of time without modification; for part 1, anyway. Part 2 became a bit of a mess that seemed to require create a Reindeer class in order to keep track of which Reindeer to award points to. Since I hadn’t done anything with Ruby classes yet (wasn’t really covered in the Ruby book I read with the kids), I haven’t yet done the Ruby or Perl solutions. You can see my Python solution here.
Prophecy Practicum
I made a bunch of quality of life improvements for my friend, aka The Client. I was pretty happy at my ability to continue to figure out how to make use of Django’s many built-in features.
Extra Life Donation Tracker (eldonationtracker)
I had to do a bug fix for a change in the way the API handled anonymous donations. Overall it wasn’t too hard. Sometime soon I intend to start separating out the Donor Drive API into its own project apart from the Extra Life code.
Impractical Python
After a long hiatus, I returned to Impractical Python and finished the Haiku chapter. It used Markov Chains and the CMU language module to help teach the computer what a valid Haiku was. Here is one of the Haikus it generated:
listen: new year's bell!bell! standing still at dusk houselisten in far inlisten: new year's bell! bell! standing still at dusk house listen in far inlisten: new year's bell! bell! standing still at dusk house listen in far in
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This next one is kind of nonsense, but I like it. Seems faux-zen:
oh no! a white swanbutterfly butterflies theonly flutteringoh no! a white swan butterfly butterflies the only flutteringoh no! a white swan butterfly butterflies the only fluttering
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This one is closer to a real Haiku:
let myself pretendmy old sadness winter rainrain deepens lichenedlet myself pretend my old sadness winter rain rain deepens lichenedlet myself pretend my old sadness winter rain rain deepens lichened
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I’ll leave you with this last one which actually sounds like a human-written Haiku:
closer, quilt and leaves,enfold my passionate cold!cold! dry cheerful brightcloser, quilt and leaves, enfold my passionate cold! cold! dry cheerful brightcloser, quilt and leaves, enfold my passionate cold! cold! dry cheerful bright
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