Chapter 1: The Need For Test Automation

1.1 Testing Without A Library

  • Consider the following code structure of a Python application:

    - .gitignore
  • We may have various assert statements written inside However, these tests need to be executed manually by calling the function.

  • Consider the following code for

  def simple_calculator_function(evaluation_string: str) -> typing.Any:
    ''' Reads an evaluation string. Evaluates it and returns the result. For example, eval("5*(4+5)") = 45. params: evaluation_string: str: The string that will be evaluated. '''
        return eval(evaluation_string)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(e)

   def test_simple_calculator_function() -> None:
        assert simple_calculator_function("5*(4+5)") == 45 # test addition and multiplication         assert simple_calculator_function("10 - (100/2)") == -40 # test subtraction and division.         assert simple_calculator_function("'a' + 'b'") == 'ab' # test string concatenation 

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  • As you can see, test_simple_calculator_function will not run automatically unless called. We want to automate this.
  • The first step is to create a separate test_file which uses libraries to write tests. The new project code would be:

    - .gitignore
  • We have added a which will work on libraries.


  • We have libraries such as the unittest library using which we can write test subclasses that are auto-detected and run automatically.
  • Example unittest subclass:

    import unittest
    from app import simple_calculator_function
    class TestSomething(unittest.TestCase):
        def test_simple_calculator_function(self) -> None:
            self.assertEqual(simple_calculator_function("5*(4+5)"), 45)
            self.assertEqual(simple_calculator_function("10-(100/2)"), -40)
            self.assertEqual(simple_calculator_function("'a' + 'b'"), 'ab')
  • We can run this code with unittest tool in the shell as:

    $ python -m unittest discover -s './' -p 'test_*.py'
    • Here, unittest discover discovers all the subclasses of unittest.TestCase, i.e. those classes that have inherited unittest.TestCase.
    • -s flag denotes the start directory of where the tests are located. In this case, we can stay in the current working directory.
    • -p flag denotes the pattern of the names of test files. In this case, the test file naming pattern is test_*.py , where * can be replaced with any name.
  • We also have the pytest library which is not inbuilt and needs to be installed separately.

  $ pip install pytest

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  • For example, pytest test file.

    import pytest
    from app import simple_calculator_function
    def test_simple_calculator_function() -> None:
        assert simple_calculator_function("5*(4+5)") == 45 # test addition and multiplication     assert simple_calculator_function("10 - (100/2)") == -40 # test subtraction and division.     assert simple_calculator_function("'a' + 'b'") == 'ab' # test string concatenation 
  • pytest can autodetect tests. We can just run pytest in the shell and all tests will run.

   $ pytest

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  • The test detection algorithm also known as the test discovery standard is is used to detect tests by default unless external modifications are made.
  • There are other testing frameworks such as Nose, DocTest, etc. which will not be covered in this article.


  • Tox is just another automation tool for testing.
  • What exactly does it automate?
    • Since we are building a package, we need to make sure that our package runs on different versions of Python.
    • The tests that we have in pytest will run on the local version of the virtualenv that we are currently on. So, it will only check one version of python.
    • We need to make sure these tests run passes on all versions of Python.
    • This is what Tox automates. Multi-version testing.
  • How does Tox do this?
    • Tox creates a virtual environment for each version of python and/or the operating system that we specify.
    • It runs the tests in all those environments and makes sure that our package works on those versions as well.
  • When we run things on github actions :
    • We need to map Tox commands to github actions , essentially because github actions is completely capable of doing what Tox is doing.
    • We are only installing Tox to automate testing locally on our machines while developing.
    • Since we have a working Tox file, why create another github action section for the thing already automated in Tox.
    • We just map Tox environments to github action environments.

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