How to Build a pyproject.toml File

In this tutorial I’ll be walking you through how to build a simple pyproject.toml file. I’ll be including a sample pyproject.toml as well as include links to some resources I found very helpful when learning how to construct my own pyproject.toml. First, I’ll be showing you the full pyproject.toml then I’ll break down the purpose of each section of the file. Setuptools has a fantastic page that explains more about pyproject.toml and how it can be used with setuptools.

Sample pyproject.toml

# tells pip what build tool to use to build your package
requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
# tells pip how to build your pypi webpage & what dependencies to install
name = "sample_pkg"
dynamic = ["readme"]
version = "0.0.30"
authors = [
{ name="Sharon Fitzpatrick", email="" }]
description = "A tool that performs xyz"
dependencies = ["matplotlib",
license = { file="LICENSE" }
requires-python = ">=3.8"
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
# (BETA) tells setuptools you will be using a readme file for the long description field for your pypi profile.
readme = {file = [""]}
# (OPTIONAL) tells pypi that these urls are where your project's source code and issue tracker reside
"Homepage" = ""
"Bug Tracker" = ""
# tells pip what build tool to use to build your package
requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

# tells pip how to build your pypi webpage & what dependencies to install
name = "sample_pkg"
dynamic = ["readme"]
version = "0.0.30"
authors = [
  { name="Sharon Fitzpatrick", email="" }]
description = "A tool that performs xyz"
dependencies = ["matplotlib",
license = { file="LICENSE" }
requires-python = ">=3.8"
classifiers = [
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
    "Operating System :: OS Independent",

# (BETA) tells setuptools you will be using a readme file for the long description field for your pypi profile.
readme = {file = [""]}

# (OPTIONAL) tells pypi that these urls are where your project's source code and issue tracker reside
"Homepage" = ""
"Bug Tracker" = ""
# tells pip what build tool to use to build your package [build-system] requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" # tells pip how to build your pypi webpage & what dependencies to install [project] name = "sample_pkg" dynamic = ["readme"] version = "0.0.30" authors = [ { name="Sharon Fitzpatrick", email="" }] description = "A tool that performs xyz" dependencies = ["matplotlib", "numpy<1.23.0"] license = { file="LICENSE" } requires-python = ">=3.8" classifiers = [ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ] # (BETA) tells setuptools you will be using a readme file for the long description field for your pypi profile. [tool.setuptools.dynamic] readme = {file = [""]} # (OPTIONAL) tells pypi that these urls are where your project's source code and issue tracker reside [project.urls] "Homepage" = "" "Bug Tracker" = ""

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  • Tells pip what build tool to use to build your pip package. You can choose build tools like poetry,hatchling,setuptools, etc. to build your package. Without the build-system pip would have to guess what tools you used to create your package. If you want to learn more about the pyproject.toml file check pip’s documentation

requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"]

  • tells pip exactly what versions of setuptools are compatible to build the package

build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

  • tells pip that you will be using setuptools to build your package


  • This section tells pip the metadata for your package. The metadata for your package is information that describes your package like your package’s name, version number, and dependencies.

name = "sample_pkg"

  • Tells pip the name of your package. This must be a unique name on pypi.

dynamic = ["readme"]

  • Tells setuptools that you will be creating the long description dynamically from the readme file. The long description is what is displayed on your pypi’s project page.

version = "0.0.30"

  • Tells pip is the current version of the package

authors = [{ name="Sharon Fitzpatrick",email="" }]

  • Tells pip is the author of the package
  • You must include both the authors name and email for this to work properly

description = "A tool that performs xyz"

  • Tells pip a short description which will be displayed on your package’s pypi page.

dependencies = ["matplotlib","numpy<1.23.0"]

  • Tells pip what dependencies your package needs to run
  • You can even specify the version of packages that are compatible with your package

license = { file="LICENSE" }

  • Tells pip you will be using the file named LICENSE in your repository as your license

requires-python = ">=3.8"

  • Tells pip what python version your package requires

classifiers = ["Programming Language :: Python :: 3","License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License","Operating System :: OS Independent",]

  • Used by PyPi categorize each package’s release, it describes who the package is for and what systems it can run on, and how mature package is.
  • You can find the full list of classifiers from pypi.


  • This section is specific to setuptools and still in beta. Read more here.
  • It tells setuptools that the following fields will be populated dynamically by files included into the repository

readme = {file = [""]}

  • Tells setuptools you will be using a readme file for the long description field for your pypi profile.
  • NOTE: your README file must be named exactly README.
  • NOTE: a GitHub styled may not render correctly on pypi


Ready to upload to PyPi?

Now that you know how to build your pyproject.toml file are you ready to upload your package to PyPi? I created a guide to show you how to upload to PyPi the modern way.

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