Graph Learning (17 Part Series)
1 Breadth First Search Traversal of Graph GeeksForGeeks
2 Topological Sorting in Graph Using DFS and BFS GeeksForGeeks
… 13 more parts…
3 Check if a graph is Bipartite or not Leetcode
4 Cycle detection in a graph using Breadh First Search and Depth First Search GeeksForGeeks
5 Depth first search GeeksForGeeks
6 Shortest Distance from source to all other nodes in the graph where the edge weight is 1 unit
7 Dijkstra’s single source shortest path algorithm
8 Minimum Spanning Tree (Prims Algorithm)
9 Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal’s algorithm) Using Disjoint set
10 Bridges in the graph
11 Strongly connected components in the graph
12 Bellman ford algorithm(Single Source Shorted Path in DAG)
13 Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Multi-source shorted path)
14 Disjoint Set Graph Learning
15 Disjoint set graph with union by rank and union by size
16 Number of islands
17 Find safest walk through the grid
Time complexity is O(mlogm) + (m*O(4alpha)
~ constant time = O(1)
for disjoint set )
Efficient time complexity is : O(mlogm)
where m
is the no of edges in the graph logm
is the time complexity to sort the List of m
For more information go through
class Main{
int findParent(int node,int parent[]){
if(node == parent[node]) return node; // ie if the parent of 'node' is 'node' itself then just return the node.
//return findParent(parent[node]);// else recursively call findParent to get the parent of this union.
// in order to path compress (making sure that every node is connected to its parent in the given union)
return parent[node] = findParent(parent[node]);
//example : 7->6->4->3 , here 3 is the parent of this union, so in order to get the parent of 7 which is 3 we can path compress it. like 7->3,6->3,4->3 etc.
void union(int u, int v,int parent[], int rank[]){
u = findParent(u);
v = findParent(v);
if(rank[u] < rank[v]) parent[u] =v;
else if (rank[u] > rank[v]) parent[v] = u;
else parent[u] =v; // or parent[v] = u;
// here u and v had the same rank
//and now v became parent of u hence its rank will increase
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
int n =5;
ArrayList<Node> adj = new ArrayList<>();
adj.add(new Node(0,1,2));
adj.add(new Node(0,3,6));
adj.add(new Node(1, 3, 8));
adj.add(new Node(1, 2, 3));
adj.add(new Node(1, 4, 5));
adj.add(new Node(2, 4, 7));
Main obj = new Main();
public void kruskalAlgo(ArrayList<Node> adj, int n){
Collections.sort(adj, new Comparator<Node> {
public int compare(Node a, Node b){
return a.getW()-b.getW();// sorting in ascending order of the weight;
int parent[] = new int[n];
int rank[] = new int[n];
for(int i =0;i<n;i++){
parent[i] =i;
rank[i] = 0;
int costOfMst = 0;
ArrayList<Node> mst = new ArrayList<>();
for(Node it : adj){
// taking the node that is not taken already to avoid cycle.
costOfMst+=it.getW(); // add the cost in the costOfMst to keep track of growing cost to cover all the nodes
union(it.getU(),it.getV(),parent,rank); // make the node part of the union
for(Node it: mst){
System.out.println(it.getU()+" - "+ it.getV());
class Node {
int u;
int v;
int weight;
public Node(int u,int v, int w){
this.u = u;
this.v = v;
this.weight = w;
public int getU(){
return this.u;
public int getV(){
return this.v;
public int getW(){
return this.weight;
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Graph Learning (17 Part Series)
1 Breadth First Search Traversal of Graph GeeksForGeeks
2 Topological Sorting in Graph Using DFS and BFS GeeksForGeeks
… 13 more parts…
3 Check if a graph is Bipartite or not Leetcode
4 Cycle detection in a graph using Breadh First Search and Depth First Search GeeksForGeeks
5 Depth first search GeeksForGeeks
6 Shortest Distance from source to all other nodes in the graph where the edge weight is 1 unit
7 Dijkstra’s single source shortest path algorithm
8 Minimum Spanning Tree (Prims Algorithm)
9 Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal’s algorithm) Using Disjoint set
10 Bridges in the graph
11 Strongly connected components in the graph
12 Bellman ford algorithm(Single Source Shorted Path in DAG)
13 Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Multi-source shorted path)
14 Disjoint Set Graph Learning
15 Disjoint set graph with union by rank and union by size
16 Number of islands
17 Find safest walk through the grid
原文链接:Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal’s algorithm) Using Disjoint set