Learn Python #4 – The f-string…

Hello everyone today we are going to talk about string manipulation via f-string.

Python over the years has provided many features and one of them is to format the string.

What the f-strings is all about?

f-strings is a literal string interpolation (The way it works in JavaScript -> String literals).

It provides a convenient way to embed the python expressions with ease.

Let us look at the examples:-

  • If I want to format a string wherein some of the values are received from a variable employee_name = 'Steve Rogers' and we have to generate a string Steve Rogers is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes then we need to do ->
f"{employee_name} is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes"
// Steve Rogers is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes
f"{employee_name} is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes"
// Steve Rogers is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes
f"{employee_name} is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes" // Steve Rogers is one of the greatest Marvel superheroes

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  • You can also inject numeric values inside the string
quantity_bat = 10
price_bat = 10
f"The total cost of {price_bat} bats is ${quantity_bat*price_bat}"
//The total cost of {price_bat} bats is 100
quantity_bat = 10
price_bat = 10
f"The total cost of {price_bat} bats is ${quantity_bat*price_bat}"
//The total cost of {price_bat} bats is 100
quantity_bat = 10 price_bat = 10 f"The total cost of {price_bat} bats is ${quantity_bat*price_bat}" //The total cost of {price_bat} bats is 100

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  • If you want to show the values with a 2 decimal point limit
quantity_bat = 10.99
price_bat = 10.234
f"The total cost of {price_bat} bats is ${quantity_bat*price_bat:,.2f}"
//output -> 'The total cost of 10.234 bats is $112.47'
quantity_bat = 10.99
price_bat = 10.234
f"The total cost of {price_bat} bats is ${quantity_bat*price_bat:,.2f}"
//output -> 'The total cost of 10.234 bats is $112.47'
quantity_bat = 10.99 price_bat = 10.234 f"The total cost of {price_bat} bats is ${quantity_bat*price_bat:,.2f}" //output -> 'The total cost of 10.234 bats is $112.47'

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In the above example we can decide up to which decimal points we want to show the number

  • You want to use double quotes, yes you can do that as well
number_one = 1
f"\"{number_one}\" is a odd number"
// 1 is a odd number
number_one = 1
f"\"{number_one}\" is a odd number"
// 1 is a odd number
number_one = 1 f"\"{number_one}\" is a odd number" // 1 is a odd number

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f-strings are easy to understand, use and handy when it comes to string interpolation, so do let me know what you guys think of this article.

Thanks in advance for reading this article…

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