A pointcut is a collection of one or more joinpoints where an advice should be invoked. You can declare pointcuts utilizing expressions or patterns like you’ll see in the examples below.
@Pointcut(” execution(modifiers? return-type declaring-type? method-name(param) throws?) “)
- the pattern is optional if it has a ? symbol
- patterns can use wildcards * (matches everything)
- the @Pointcut annotation contains a set of one or more JoinPoints where an advice should be executed
- modifiers? (optional) is the method’s access modifier like public, protected, private
- return-type is the method’s return type
- declaring-type? (optional) is the package or class name
- method-name(param) is the method’s name with its parameters
- param could take zero or more arguments. () matches a method that takes no parameters, whereas (..) matches any number of parameters (zero or more). The pattern (*) matches a method taking one parameter of any type
- throws? (optional) is the exception type
Combining Pointcut Expressions
You can combine pointcut declarations using:
&&, ||, ! operators
Declare pointcut methods (must not have a body)
@Pointcut("execution(public * dev.company.*.service.*.get*(..))")
public void pointCutTemplateServiceForGet() {}
@Pointcut("execution(public * dev.company.*.service.*.post*(..))")
public void pointCutTemplateServiceForPost() {}
@Pointcut("execution(public * dev.company.*.service.*.delete*(..))")
public void pointCutTemplateServiceForDelete() {}
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Reuse a pointcut
In this example, we use the pointcut template pointCutTemplateServiceForGet() twice for two different advice
// implementation goes here
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// implementation goes here
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Combine multiple pointcuts using &&
@After(pointCutTemplateServiceForGet() && pointCutTemplateServiceForPost())
// implementation goes here
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Exclude a pointCut using !
@Before(pointCutTemplateServiceForGet() && !(pointCutTemplateServiceForDelete()))
// implementation goes here
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Exclude multiple pointcuts
@Before(pointCutTemplateServiceForDelete() && !(pointCutTemplateServiceForGet() || pointCutTemplateServiceForPost()))
// implementation goes here
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There are many more possibilities when mixing and matching pointcut expressions, but I’ll leave it up to your imagination.
See this article to learn more about Spring AOP.