Spring AOP allows developers to intercept code that executes before and after methods calls. Aspects enable the modularization of crosscutting concerns such as transaction management, security or logging.
Here are a few key terms that you’ll encounter when dealing with AOP.
- is the action taken by an aspect at a particular joinpoint.
- is the point at which a method or the handling of an exception occurs.
- an expression language of spring AOP which is basically used to match the target methods to apply the advice.
- Pointcut expressions can be combined using operators like ||, && and ! but in our example we won’t be using this technique
- syntax: Advice(” execution(modifiers? return-type declaring-type? method-name(param) throws?) “)
@Before("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))")_
0. Structure your packages
1. Add to Maven /pom.xml
<!-- aop dependency -->
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2. Create your AOP class and apply annotations
@Aspect // import from org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect
public class MyCustomAspect{
// code goes here..
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3. Add any of these Advice method into your AOP class
Before advice
@Before("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))")
public void beforeLoggingAdd() {
System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs BEFORE the method ###");
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After advice
@After("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))")
public void afterLoggingAdd() {
System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs AFTER the method ###");
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After Returning advice
an optional returning=”return” can be used to access the return value of the matched method
@AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))", returning = "result")
public void afterReturningLoggingAdd(Object result) {
System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs AFTER the methods's successful execution ###");
System.out.println("result: " + result.toString());
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After Throwing advice
@AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))", throwing = "throwingException")
public void afterExceptionLoggingAdd(Throwable throwingException) {
System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs after the method (if exception is thrown) ###");
System.out.println("exception: " + throwingException);
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Around advice
this advice can perform custom behavior both before and after the method invocation
@Around("execution(public Integer com.company.service.*.add*(..))")
public Integer aroundLoggingAdd(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("### LOG: advice that runs BEFORE and AFTER the method ###");
Integer result = (Integer) jp.proceed();
System.out.println("### LOGGING ADD METHOD : AROUND ###");
return result;
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4. Create a method to execute
public class MyService {
public Integer addResource(){
System.out.println("add method executed!");
return 0;
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5. Test your AOP advice
public class DemoApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
MyService ms;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
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