40% of devs use python for interviews

Our community has grown pretty rapidly over the last few weeks and we now have around 2k+ members!

There are some awesome insights that can be gathered and assumptions that can be confirmed from having a 2k person sample size.

For instance, I’ve always assumed python is the most popular programming language for interviews, but this data confirms it.

A few languages dominate interviews, with the biggest surprise being that more people interview in C++ over Javascript.
The server specializes in Big Tech interview prep, so that should be taken into account as well!

图片[1]-40% of devs use python for interviews - 拾光赋-拾光赋
You’ll notice the long tail is very long.

My Advice

Make it easier for yourself, if you are targeting big tech, interview in python unless you have 6+ years of experience with a specific language.

Interested in more data around programming interviews? Follow me on twitter where I frequently post insights from our community!

原文链接:40% of devs use python for interviews

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