Myfe – 20/03/22

Myfe (8 Part Series)

1 Myfe – 20/03/22
2 Myfe – 21/03/22
4 more parts…
3 Myfe – 23/03/22
4 Myfe – 24/03/22
5 Myfe – 30/03/22
6 Myfe – 02/04/22
7 Myfe – 03/04/22
8 Myfe – The End?

Start of an idea

So yesterday I was just casually laying in bed thinking of what to code next, where I had an idea.
So the list I made on what it should have was a bit like the one below:

  • A game about life where there’s a town and in the town are houses, shops and colleges
  • You can study for degrees
  • You can do jobs (part-time or full-time), some require degrees and some don’t
  • You can start your own business
  • You can turn houses into shops
  • You can put houses on rent so other players can live in them

But the problem was I always start making projects like these but never end up actually finishing it up because of my commitment issues.
So I decided to make a blog series where I log whatever I do when working on the game, hoping I’ll be more committed to the making the game.


Then I laid down and thought about a name. I know the name isn’t the first thing your supposed to think about, but I did anyways.
I wanted the name to have something related to money and life and wanted it to sound cool. So I combined money and life to make mife, but Ys are usually cooler than Is, so I changed it to Myfe!

How to make it

I always use Python for games, so I’m going to use Python for this as well. As I use MongoDB as a database for most things, I’m also going to use MongoDB as a database in this project as well.


So this marked the starting of a glorious game!

Myfe (8 Part Series)

1 Myfe – 20/03/22
2 Myfe – 21/03/22
4 more parts…
3 Myfe – 23/03/22
4 Myfe – 24/03/22
5 Myfe – 30/03/22
6 Myfe – 02/04/22
7 Myfe – 03/04/22
8 Myfe – The End?

原文链接:Myfe – 20/03/22

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I am ordinary yet unique.
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