A Simple Introduction To Java – Class and Method

A quiet introduction to Java (10 Part Series)

1 A Simple Introduction To Java – Wet grounds
2 A Simple Introduction To Java – Conditionals
6 more parts…
3 A Simple Introduction To Java – Loops and Array
4 A Simple Introduction To Java – Class and Method
5 A Simple Introduction To Java – Lists
6 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 1 (Encapsulation)
7 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 2 (Inheritance)
8 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 3 (Polymorphism)
9 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 4 (Abstraction)
10 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 5 (Anonymous and Inner Classes, Enum)

In this session, we will discuss:


We have created a lot of classes up to now. Java is an Object Oriented Programming language. Java uses classes. We create a java class then we create an instance of the said java class. This is known as an instantiation or creating an instance of the class. This is an instance of the class being called an object of the class – they are both the same.

So what then is a class?

A class is a framework for defining the structure of an object. Class acts as a “blueprint” for an object, dictating what qualities and behaviour of an object. These qualities are sometimes called fields, attributes or properties. These qualities keep track of the state of the object (by state, I meant data). The behaviour of an object is basically a method.

We already know we can define a class by doing:

class HeroClass {


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We used the class keyword followed by the class name, HeroClass to define a class.

Access modifiers

An access modifier is used to regulate the level of accessibility (reading and writing) of a class. If another object can access our class, methods or attributes, should we allow the object to change the state or behaviour of our class or should the object read the states and call the methods? Obviously, it depends. An access modifier can be applied to a class, method or attribute.

For a class, the available access modifiers are public and default. default means, we pass no access modifier.

  • A default class is only accessible only by classes in the same package (a folder that groups similar classes).
  • A public class is accessible by any other class.

For a class or an attribute, the available access modifiers are default, public, protected and private.

  • default: accessible by classes in the same package.
  • public: accessible from any class.
  • protected: acts like the default but allow accessibility to classes that extend (inherit) the said class.
  • private: accessible in the declared class only.

Let’s create a public class, Pet. With public attributes, name and favFood, with a public void method, print which prints out the name and favourite food of the pet.

public class Pet {
    public String name;
    public String favFood;

    public void print() {
        System.out.println("Name: " + name);
        System.out.println("Favorite Food: " + favFood);

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It looks simple right? The name and favFood in the print method are the same above (outside the print method). Currently, the Pet class can just compile but nothing else can be done. Their sole purpose here is to observe how the access modifiers are used.

What is a method?

A method is a function. For someone from another language like c++, c, python or javascript, the idea that a function is a method is quite simple to understand. If java is your first language, do not worry.

Do you remember the main from the classes we have created so far?. All the classes we have created so far have public static void main(String[] args). This main is a method. The print method in the Pet class above is also a method. The main method serves as the “main” entry point of our program. A method does something. One of the sources defined a method as a collection of statements grouped to operate. The print method prints the name and favFood of the Pet class.

Let’s create a class, Main with the main method.

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


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static methods

The main method we have is a static method. public static void main(String[] args), has the static keyword after the access modifier and before the return type, void.

When a field or method is made static, we don’t have to create an instance of its class to use it. We just use the class name, dot the method or attribute name.

In the Pet class let’s add a new public int field, counter initialized to 0. We will use it to keep track of the number of times the print was called. We will also add a new public static method cute, that prints, "Pet is cute".

When a return type of a method is not given, use void. Try to guess the type of an attribute based on the name or what it will be used for. This also applies to a method.

public class Pet {
    public String name;
    public String favFood;
    public static int counter = 0;

    public void print() {
        System.out.println("Name: " + name);
        System.out.println("Favorite Food: " + favFood);

    public static void cute() {
        System.out.println("Pet is cute");

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The new Pet class would look like the above.

It will be best to create a separate class for any other class we will be creating from here onwards. Create an instance in another class that has the main method.

Class instance

The Pet class has no main method. If it has a main method, we won’t be able to call print in main. So what we will do is we will create an instance of the Pet class in the Main class instead. Since the Main and Pet class are in the same folder, and the Pet class is public, we can directly access it in the Main class.

Do you remember the Scanner class? When we want to take an input from the user we create an instance of the Scanner class then we call its nextX() method to read data of type, X.

To create an instance of a class, we will do something like, ClassName instanceVariable = new ClassName();. This is similar to, Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); Scanner takes a source as argument.

Our Pet class instance, Pet bobby = new Pet();.

Let’s update the Main class, in the main method, let’s create an instance of the Pet class. (You can create as many as possible). We will then the necessary fields and call the various methods.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Pet bobby = new Pet();

        // We set the fields directly using the Pet instance
        bobby.name = "Bobby Peto";
        bobby.favFood = "Chicken and Salad cream";

        // call the print method

        // call the static method

        // update the fields and call print
        bobby.name = "Bobby Pet";
        bobby.favFood = "Chicken, Broccoli and Salad cream";


        // call the static field
        System.out.println("the print method was called, " + Pet.counter + " times.");

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These are some of the few things I did and below were the output.

Name: Bobby Peto
Favourite Food: Chicken and Salad cream
Pet is cute
Name: Bobby Pet
Favourite Food: Chicken, Broccoli and Salad cream
the print method was called 2 times.

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The static variable keeps changing the number of times the print was called.

String methods

Talking about methods, String objects also have methods. Check the reference section to be redirected to the source. There are several of them but I shall make mention of those that are or would be used frequently.

  • charAt(int index): returns the element (character) at the said index of the String object.
  • contact(String str): joins/adds two strings and returns a new String.
  • contains(String str): checks if String contains some sequence of String and return a boolean.
  • endsWith(String str): checks if a String ends with some sequence of String and returns a boolean
  • equals(String str): use this method to check if two strings are the same instead of ==.
  • indexOf(String str): returns the index of the first occurrence of a String else it returns -1. We can pass String or char. We can also pass an of an offset as the second argument which indicates where the search should start from. indexOf(String str, int offset)
  • isEmpty(): checks if a String is empty, the size is greater than 0.
  • lastIndexOf(String str): returns the last index of a String sequence.
  • length(): returns the size of a String
  • replace(String str1, String str2): replace str1 with str2 from the String
  • split(String str): split the String into an array at str
  • startsWith(String str): checks if a String starts with some sequence of String and returns a boolean
  • substring(int start): returns a new String starting from start index to the end of the String. We can pass a second argument for where the substring ends. substring(int start, int end)
  • toLowerCase() and toUpperCase(): returns a new String of the said case respectively.
  • trim(): strips the String of white spaces – space, newline, ...
public class StringMethods {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "This is a string";

        // charAt - get the first element
        char firstCharacter = str.charAt(0);
        System.out.println("The first character is: " + firstCharacter);

        // concat
        String newStr = str.concat(", so Hello.");
        System.out.println(str); // this is the original string
        System.out.println(newStr); // this is the new string

        // concat is the same as str1 + str2
        String str1 = "Hello";
        String str2 = "World";
        String str3 = str1 + " " + str2;

        // contains
        boolean hasWordString = str.contains("string");
        System.out.println("It is " + hasWordString + " that the string contains a word, \"string\".");

        // indexOf
        int indexOfIs = str.indexOf("m");
        System.out.println("The index of 'is' is, " + indexOfIs);

        // replace
        String replacedString = str.replace("string", "Double");

        // split
        String[] splitString = str.split("");

        // substring
        String subString = str.substring(3, 10);

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Array methods

There is not much on arrays but there are several when we go beyond arrays to ArrayList and the others.

An array has the length attribute. It returns the size of the array.

// ArrayMethods.java

public class ArrayMethods {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr = { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 };

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            System.out.println(i + "th indexed element is: " + arr[i]);

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Math class

The Math class has some static methods we can use for some simple and complex mathematics operations. There are several but I’d mention a few. Check the reference section of the link.

  • max(typeA x, typeA y): compares and returns the greater number between x and y. typeA can be double|float|int|long
  • max(typeA x, typeA y): compares and returns the lesser number between x and y. typeA can be double|float|int|long
  • ceil(double x): return a rounded up integer value of x.
  • floor(double x): return a rounded down integer value of x.
  • pow(int x, int y): returns the value of x to raised the power of y
  • random(): returns a random number, double, between 0 and 1
  • sqrt(int x): returns the square root of x
import java.util.Scanner;

// MathClass.java

public class MathClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("The max of 3 and 5 is: " + Math.max(3, 5));

        double dValue = 1.4365;
        System.out.println("Ceil(" + dValue + "): " + Math.ceil(dValue));
        System.out.println("Floor(" + dValue + "): " + Math.floor(dValue));

        // generate 5 random numbers
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println(i + 1 + "th number: " + Math.random());

        // Generate random numbers between x and y, where x < y
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.print("Enter Min: ");
        int minValue = sc.nextInt();

        System.out.print("Enter Min: ");
        int maxValue = sc.nextInt();


        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            // cast the double in to int `(int) SOME_DOUBLE_VALUE`
            int randValue = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxValue - minValue + 1) + minValue);


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A class may have methods and attributes. A class with the main can have methods but those methods must be static. It is best to make our fields/attributes private. We would use another public method to set and get the said field.


  • Implement a class that performs arithmetic operations (limit the inputs to only integers)
  • Implement a class for a Rectangle. It must have a method to return the area and perimeter of the Rectangle. Add a static method that compares two Rectangle (if both corresponding sides are the same)



A quiet introduction to Java (10 Part Series)

1 A Simple Introduction To Java – Wet grounds
2 A Simple Introduction To Java – Conditionals
6 more parts…
3 A Simple Introduction To Java – Loops and Array
4 A Simple Introduction To Java – Class and Method
5 A Simple Introduction To Java – Lists
6 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 1 (Encapsulation)
7 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 2 (Inheritance)
8 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 3 (Polymorphism)
9 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 4 (Abstraction)
10 A Simple Introduction To Java – Object Oriented Programming – Part 5 (Anonymous and Inner Classes, Enum)

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