Swagger IU with Spring using Intellij Idea and Weblogic

First, we need to download the open api generator from openapi_gen

Is needed to create two files the Swagger definition and the Swagger Conguration

#Hello World Swagger definition file .yml
openapi: "3.0.2"
  title: Hello World Swagger UI
  version: "1.0"
  description: Hello World Swagger UI
  - url:
      title: result
      description: Hello world result!.
      type: object
          type: boolean
          example: "Hello world request.name"
          description: Resolve the request for test this api.
      title: request
      description: request for /calldetails POST method
      type: object
          type: string
          example: "Rivas"
          description: Name to test api
  - name: hello_world
    description: Hello world endpoints
        - hello_world
      operationId: testHelloWorld
      summary: Resolve a hello_world for test.
        description: return the request as a hello_world.
        required: true
              $ref: "#/components/schemas/request"
          description: Found
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/result"
          description: Unexpected error
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/result"

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On this file is the defined the swagger here a more explained example

#configHelloWorld.yml file
sourceFolder: "src/main/gen"
apiPackage: "com.test.api"
invokerPackage: "com.test.invoker"
basePackage: "com.test"
modelPackage: "com.test.model"
configPackage: "com.test.configuration"
serializableModel: true
artifactDescription: "API for hello_world project with sprint and Swagger UI"
artifactId: "TestingSwagger"
artifactVersion : "1.0"
groupId: "com.test"
developerOrganization : "Test purposes"

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The config file is for define the package where is genereated the source code

Now, execute the command using the downloaded jar file and the two config files

java -jar openapi-generator-cli-5.1.0.jar generate -g spring -i HelloWorldSwagger.yml -c configHelloWorld.yaml -o "HelloWorldProjectName"

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An expected output are like this

Now we open the project folder with IntelliJ Idea
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Because we work with Weblogic server, we change the pom.xml
First change the package from jar to war
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Add to the build tag the FinalName of the project
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Add the gen folder to the source folder with this xml on the child of the plugins xml tags


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Add this two dependencies bellow the dependecies tag


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move the OpenAPI2SpringBoot to the com.test.bootloader for import them on the ServletInitializer

now create the package java and below com.test (in my case) them invoker into the package com.test.bootloader create the class ServletInitializer

package com.test.invoker;

import org.springframework.boot.builder.SpringApplicationBuilder;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.support.SpringBootServletInitializer;
import com.test.OpenAPI2SpringBoot;

public class ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
        return application.sources(OpenAPI2SpringBoot.class); // Replace OpenAPI2SpringBoot with your main class

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Right click/Maven/Reload project to load the changes of the pom.xml
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If fails, try using mvn install command

Now for deploy to weblogic

when executes mvn install or mvn deploy he builds the .war file onto target/app.war these is builded .war for deploy manually to weblogic

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On the weblogic console at host:port/console, normally on localhost:7001/console enter your weblogic credentials and click on deployments
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Click install
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Load war from files
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Then select war file
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then click next
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图片[12]-Swagger IU with Spring using Intellij Idea and Weblogic - 拾光赋-拾光赋
install deploy as app and next
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verify the data and next
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Select go to deployment page then finish
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Onto deployment page go to control
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Select the app onto the table the start/start serving all request
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Below the tap test named you can see where the api is located
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Remember the correct url path is protocol://host:port/app_name/swagger-ui.html in this case the correct path is:

can be usefull this link for use log4j at this project

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