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Python is by far one of the easier-to-learn programming languages. It is not only easy, but also covers almost every field of development and technology. However, in order for Python as a language to cover so many fields, it requires help. Python gets this help from frameworks.
What is a Framework ?
A framework is a collection of packages or modules which allow developers to write web applications. It acts as a reflection tool that makes it simpler to build up applications and reuse code. In Python there are three main types of frameworks:
- Full-Stack framework: This is a one-stop solution for all developer requirements, such as form generators, form validation and template layouts. Some examples include: Django, Web2Py, Pyramid, TurboGears, CubicWeb etc…
- Micro-frameworks: These are lightweight frameworks that do not offer additional functionality. Developers who use this need to add a lot of code. Some examples include: CherryPy, Flask, Falcon, Bottle, Dash, Pycnic etc…
- Asynchronous: It is a micro-framework that allows developers to handle a large set of concurrent connections. Some examples include: Tornado, Growler and Sanic.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Python Framework
As Python continues to rise in the ranks as the most preferred programming language, its demand by web developers is also increasing. Even some of the top companies (such as Instagram, Netflix, Facebook, Spotify, and Dropbox) use Python in the development of their sites to sustain top notch performance. As a result, understanding the different Python frameworks is a crucial skill.
Before you even decide to use Python, you have to assess the best web framework for your needs. For instance, on one hand, as a developer, if you are planning to work on a large project that will require lots of features, then a full-stack framework will be the right choice for you. On the other hand, a micro-framework is better if you are planning on a simple product app.
When considering a framework, it is important to determine if the framework is up for the task and if it will perfectly fit your desired project. This is especially vital when developing a project that is required to run on several web servers and needs the ability to support additional features and functionality.
Advantages of a Python Framework
Using a framework during development is very important not only because of the code organization but also because it helps improve productivity, which simplifies the whole development process.
Some advantages of Python and its frameworks are:
- Python is an Open-source language
- Its frameworks are accompanied with good and detailed documentation.
- It allows for code reusability.
- It is easier to integrate the frameworks during development.
- Implementation is easy.
In order to capitalize on these advantages, you have to know what you want and the framework you will need to make it a success. To help you choose your framework to develop your next project, below is an overview of some of the top frameworks.
Python Frameworks for Web Development
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