JPA Queries (6 Part Series)
1 SQL Select with IN clause from list with JPA
2 How to do a Select clause comparison of LocalDateTime in JPA
… 2 more parts…
3 How to use named queries with JPA and JPQL
4 How to use named parameters in JPA queries
5 Pagination with JPA queries
6 How to execute delete statements with jpa query
Define a named parameter (:status
) in a named query:
import javax.persistence.*;
@Table(name = PartnerInitialLoad.TABLE_NAME)
query =
"select p from PartnerInitialLoad p where p.status = :status order by p.partnernummer asc")
public class PartnerInitialLoad {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "T_PARTNER_INITIAL_LOAD";
public static final String FIND_MAX_PARTNERNUMMER = "findMaxPartnernummer";
public static final String FIND_PARTNER_BY_STATUS = "findPartnerByStatus";
public static final String PARAM_STATUS = "status"; //the value here has to match the one in jpql, here "status"
// further entity details emitted for brevity
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Then, set the named parameter in the created TypedQuery
) with the setParameter
method, which expects the name of the parameter (should match the one defined in the @NamedQuery
) and its value:
public class PartnerInitialLoadRepository {
@Inject private EntityManager em;
public List<PartnerInitialLoad> getPartnersByStatus(Integer chunkSize, String status) {
var query =
em.createNamedQuery(PartnerInitialLoad.FIND_UNPROCESSED_PARTNER, PartnerInitialLoad.class);
query.setParameter(PartnerInitialLoad.PARAM_STATUS, status);
return query.getResultList();
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Same principle applies, if we create a collection-valued named parameters, to generate for example a SELECT IN
clause sql as in the following snippet:
public List<PartnerInitialLoad> getPartnersWithStatusInList(Integer chunkSize, List<String> statusList) {
String sql="select p from PartnerInitialLoad p where p.status IN (:statusList) order by p.partnernummer asc"
var query =
em.createQuery(sql, PartnerInitialLoad.class);
query.setParameter("statusList", status);
return query.getResultList();
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JPA Queries (6 Part Series)
1 SQL Select with IN clause from list with JPA
2 How to do a Select clause comparison of LocalDateTime in JPA
… 2 more parts…
3 How to use named queries with JPA and JPQL
4 How to use named parameters in JPA queries
5 Pagination with JPA queries
6 How to execute delete statements with jpa query