Getting humble bundle books

I have been using Humble Bundle Books for at least three years. However, they still haven’t implemented a user-friendly way to download all the books from the order page. They have an option to download all the books, but when you click on it, you will have one popup for each book to download, and you would need to do it multiple times if you want your books in different formats.

So I decided to use my ⌨️skillz to come up with a better solution.

Here I present to you humble_get a cli tool that would allow you to download all of your Humble Bundle books from the comfort of your terminal.

pip <span>install </span>humble-get
<span># Get YOUR_KEY from humble_bundle page</span>
<span># And get all of your books in a nice directory:</span>
humble_get <span>-key</span> YOUR_KEY <span>-format</span> epub <span>-p</span> ./my/books/directory
pip <span>install </span>humble-get

<span># Get YOUR_KEY from humble_bundle page</span>

<span># And get all of your books in a nice directory:</span>
humble_get <span>-key</span> YOUR_KEY <span>-format</span> epub <span>-p</span> ./my/books/directory
pip install humble-get # Get YOUR_KEY from humble_bundle page # # And get all of your books in a nice directory: humble_get -key YOUR_KEY -format epub -p ./my/books/directory

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Bobrinik / humble_bundle_books

CLI for getting your Humble Bundle Books

Humble book bundles are hard to download from the order page.

If you are going to click on the download button you are going to end up with one popup window per book. Which is a painfull UX to say the least.

So, I decided to implement a command line app in Python that would make it easier to download books from the order page into a directory of my choosing.


pip install humble-get

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How to use it?

In order to use this script, you would need to have a humble bundle key.

You can get it by checking the URL right after buying your bundle.

humble_get -key YOUR_KEY -format epub -p ./my/books/directory
# OR
humble_get -key YOUR_KEY -format pdf -p ./my/books/directory
# OR
humble_get -key YOUR_KEY -format all -p ./my/books/directory

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