Effective Java Review (90 Part Series)
1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let’s Consider Static Factory Methods
2 Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pattern!
… 86 more parts…
3 Effective Java Tuesday! Singletons!
4 Effective Java Tuesday! Utility Classes!
5 Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer Dependency Injection!
6 Effective Java Tuesday! Avoid Creating Unnecessary Objects!
7 Effective Java Tuesday! Don’t Leak Object References!
8 Effective Java Tuesday! Avoid Finalizers and Cleaners!
9 Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer try-with-resources
10 Effective Java Tuesday! Obey the `equals` contract
11 Effective Java Tuesday! Obey the `hashCode` contract
12 Effective Java Tuesday! Override `toString`
13 Effective Java Tuesday! Override `clone` judiciously
14 Effective Java Tuesday! Consider Implementing `Comparable`
15 Effective Java Tuesday! Minimize the Accessibility of Classes and Member
16 Effective Java Tuesday! In Public Classes, Use Accessors, Not Public Fields
17 Effective Java Tuesday! Minimize Mutability
18 Effective Java Tuesday! Favor Composition Over Inheritance
19 Effective Java Tuesday! Design and Document Classes for Inheritance or Else Prohibit It.
20 Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer Interfaces to Abstract Classes
21 Effective Java! Design Interfaces for Posterity
22 Effective Java! Use Interfaces Only to Define Types
23 Effective Java! Prefer Class Hierarchies to Tagged Classes
24 Effective Java! Favor Static Members Classes over Non-Static
25 Effective Java! Limit Source Files to a Single Top-Level Class
26 Effective Java! Don’t Use Raw Types
27 Effective Java! Eliminate Unchecked Warnings
28 Effective Java! Prefer Lists to Array
29 Effective Java! Favor Generic Types
30 Effective Java! Favor Generic Methods
31 Effective Java! Use Bounded Wildcards to Increase API Flexibility
32 Effective Java! Combine Generics and Varargs Judiciously
33 Effective Java! Consider Typesafe Heterogenous Containers
34 Effective Java! Use Enums Instead of int Constants
35 Effective Java! Use Instance Fields Instead of Ordinals
36 Effective Java! Use EnumSet Instead of Bit Fields
37 Effective Java! Use EnumMap instead of Ordinal Indexing
38 Effective Java! Emulate Extensible Enums With Interfaces.
39 Effective Java! Prefer Annotations to Naming Patterns
40 Effective Java! Consistently Use the Override Annotation
41 Effective Java! Use Marker Interfaces to Define Types
42 Effective Java! Prefer Lambdas to Anonymous Classes
43 Effective Java! Prefer Method References to Lambdas
44 Effective Java! Favor the Use of Standard Functional Interfaces
45 Effective Java! Use Stream Judiciously
46 Effective Java! Prefer Side-Effect-Free Functions in Streams
47 Effective Java! Prefer Collection To Stream as a Return Type
48 Effective Java! Use Caution When Making Streams Parallel
49 Effective Java! Check Parameters for Validity
50 Effective Java! Make Defensive Copies When Necessary
51 Effective Java! Design Method Signatures Carefully
52 Effective Java! Use Overloading Judiciously
53 Effective Java! Use Varargs Judiciously
54 Effective Java! Return Empty Collections or Arrays, Not Nulls
55 Effective Java! Return Optionals Judiciously
56 Effective Java: Write Doc Comments For All Exposed APIs
57 Effective Java: Minimize The Scope of Local Variables
58 Effective Java: Prefer for-each loops to traditional for loops
59 Effective Java: Know and Use the Libraries
60 Effective Java: Avoid Float and Double If Exact Answers Are Required
61 Effective Java: Prefer Primitive Types to Boxed Types
62 Effective Java: Avoid Strings When Other Types Are More Appropriate
63 Effective Java: Beware the Performance of String Concatenation
64 Effective Java: Refer to Objects By Their Interfaces
65 Effective Java: Prefer Interfaces To Reflection
66 Effective Java: Use Native Methods Judiciously
67 Effective Java: Optimize Judiciously
68 Effective Java: Adhere to Generally Accepted Naming Conventions
69 Effective Java: Use Exceptions for Only Exceptional Circumstances
70 Effective Java: Use Checked Exceptions for Recoverable Conditions
71 Effective Java: Avoid Unnecessary Use of Checked Exceptions
72 Effective Java: Favor The Use of Standard Exceptions
73 Effective Java: Throw Exceptions Appropriate To The Abstraction
74 Effective Java: Document All Exceptions Thrown By Each Method
75 Effective Java: Include Failure-Capture Information in Detail Messages
76 Effective Java: Strive for Failure Atomicity
77 Effective Java: Don’t Ignore Exceptions
78 Effective Java: Synchronize Access to Shared Mutable Data
79 Effective Java: Avoid Excessive Synchronization
80 Effective Java: Prefer Executors, Tasks, and Streams to Threads
81 Effective Java: Prefer Concurrency Utilities Over wait and notify
82 Effective Java: Document Thread Safety
83 Effective Java: Use Lazy Initialization Judiciously
84 Effective Java: Don’t Depend on the Thread Scheduler
85 Effective Java: Prefer Alternatives To Java Serialization
86 Effective Java: Implement Serializable With Great Caution
87 Effective Java: Consider Using a Custom Serialized Form
88 Effective Java: Write readObject Methods Defensively
89 Effective Java: For Instance Control, Prefer Enum types to readResolve
90 Effective Java: Consider Serialization Proxies Instead of Serialized Instances
As discussed in our previous post, the serialized form of an object is part of its API. This means that it is something that we should respect for some time going forward and that if we break it, we will be causing an unnecessary burden to the users of our code. This being the case, we should take great care in determining what structure the serialized version of our classes take. That is what this post focuses on.
A particular object can be thought of in two different ways, that of its physical representation and that of its logical representation. The physical representation of an object is that of the members and pieces of its internal structure, this is what acts as the state of a particular object. The logical representation of an object serves as a representation of an object conceptually, as a human would think of it. Rather than focussing on the nuts and bolts of how it is put together, it is focussed on the meaningful components. This may not make total sense right now but with a few examples, I think it can be a beneficial model to use.
The default serialized form of an object, that is the serialized version of a regular object used within the program and not the serialized version of an object specifically created for serialization, is likely an appropriate serialization to use if the physical and logical representation of an object is identical. For example, the following class’s physical and logical representation are the same:
public class Name implements Serializable {
/** * Family Name. Must be non-null. * @serial */
private final String familyName;
/** * Given Name. Must be non-null. * @serial */
private final String givenName;
/** * Middle Name. May be null. * @serial */
private final String middleName;
// rest omitted.
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Logically speaking a name is made up of these components and since the object physically represents them the same way this class could be serialized as-is. You will notice that even though the above members are private
they still include a JavaDoc comment. This is because they are part of the serialized form of the class and therefore are part of the API. We put the @serial
tag to tell JavaDoc to include this on the special page of the documentation for serialization.
Even when the default serialized form is appropriate for a particular class we still may need to implement the readObject
method to protect invariants like the non-nullability of firstName
and lastName
above. This will be discussed further in future posts.
Now let’s look at a class where the logical and the physical representations do not match. This class serves as a container for String
objects (let’s ignore that using a collection of type String
would be far superior to this for a moment)
public final class StringList implements Serializable {
private int size = 0;
private Entry head = null;
private static class Entry implements Serializable {
String data;
Entry next;
Entry previous;
// Remainder omitted.
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From the logical side, this class represents a collection of strings. From the physical side, this class is a doubly-linked list of entries. These two don’t match. Since the default serialized form mirrors the physical form of an object it will end up representing each item individually and all connections both backward and forwards.
Using the default serialized form when the physical and logical representation of an object don’t match can lead to a couple of issues:
- It ties your class’s exported API to the current implementation of the class. This greatly reduces the extensibility of your class.
- It consumes unnecessary space in its serialized form. In our above example, this would be the unnecessary links between each entry.
- It consumes unnecessary time when serializing and deserializing.
- It can cause stack overflows. Because of the recursive traversal of the objects in the graph when serializing this can lead to stack overflows. Serializing our above
having an instance with between 1,000 and 1,800 elements led to aStackOverflowException
. The size wasn’t even consistent when the error was thrown due to internal differences in the runtime executions.
Let’s consider a reasonable serialized form for our StringList
example. All we need is maybe an integer detailing the size of the list and then the entries themselves. This would much closer match our logical model of what this class does. Here is what that may look like now with readObject
and writeObject
implemented to create our custom serialized form.
public final class StringList implements Serializable {
private transient int size = 0;
private transient Entry head = null;
// No longer serializable.
private static class Entry {
String data;
Entry next;
Entry previous;
public void add(String newString) {
// Omitted.
* Serialize this {@code StringList} instance.
* @serailData The size of the list is emitted ({@code int}), followed by all of its elements (each is a {@code String}).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
for (Entry entry = head; entry != null; entry = entry.next) {
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
int numElements = inputStream.readInt();
for (int i=0; i < numElements; i++) {
add((String) inputStream.readObject());
// Remainder omitted.
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This is undoubtedly more code, but it is worth the cost. The first thing that both readObject
and writeObject
do is invoke their defaultRead/WriteObject
method. Even though all the fields of this class are marked transient
we still need to invoke these. This will allow adding non-transient fields in a future release and still maintain backward compatibility. If an object is serialized in a new version with non-transient field and then deserialized in an older version where they weren’t there they would simply be ignored. If we didn’t take this step the serialization would fail with StreamCorrupttedException
Again we see JavaDoc on a private method detailing how the serialization form of this object will take form. The @serialData
tag marks this as something that should show up on the page for serialization of the documentation.
Let’s consider the performance difference between this new custom serialized form and the old default form. Considering StringList
instances with an average String
length of 10 characters the new form takes half as much space when serialized. It is also twice as fast in the tests of it. Finally, there are no longer stack overflows no matter the size of the list.
Even though our StringList
example is bad it at least is mostly usable with its default serialization. That is not always the case. Consider the case of a hash table. Its physical representation is a sequence of hash buckets containing key-value pairs. The bucket a particular item falls in is a function of its hash. This hash is not, in general, guaranteed to be the same from implementation to implementation. Therefore, not only is it less than ideal, it could be broken by simply serializing and then deserializing an object of that class.
No matter what form you take for your serialized data every field of an object not marked transient
will be serialized when the defaultWriteObject
method is invoked. This means that every field that can be marked transient
should be. This includes derived fields, generated fields, cache value fields, or fields pointing to something specific to that one run (for example a native filehandle). Before a field should be marked as non-transient you should be able to convince yourself it is part of the logical model of the class. Do note that fields marked as transient
will be initialized to their default value when the class is created via deserialization.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are creating a thread-safe class you should also synchronize the writeObject
method, even if you aren’t using a custom serialized form. This can look something like the following:
private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
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In addition, no matter what form our class takes we should also explicitly set the serial version UID for serializable classes we write. This helps prevent the serial version UID from becoming an invalid source of incompatibility. It has the bonus of providing a small performance benefit as it avoids the process that must happen at runtime where the UID would need to get generated if it wasn’t provided. It doesn’t matter what value we set this variable to, just pick any random long
value. Then when you modify your class in such a way it is no longer compatible simply increment the value.
In summary, when using Java’s built-in serialization consider whether the default serialized form of a class is appropriate. You can determine if it is appropriate by determining if its logical and physical representations are the same. Serialized forms of your class are every bit as much a part of your class’s public API as its methods and thus should be given just as much consideration and planning.
Effective Java Review (90 Part Series)
1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let’s Consider Static Factory Methods
2 Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pattern!
… 86 more parts…
3 Effective Java Tuesday! Singletons!
4 Effective Java Tuesday! Utility Classes!
5 Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer Dependency Injection!
6 Effective Java Tuesday! Avoid Creating Unnecessary Objects!
7 Effective Java Tuesday! Don’t Leak Object References!
8 Effective Java Tuesday! Avoid Finalizers and Cleaners!
9 Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer try-with-resources
10 Effective Java Tuesday! Obey the `equals` contract
11 Effective Java Tuesday! Obey the `hashCode` contract
12 Effective Java Tuesday! Override `toString`
13 Effective Java Tuesday! Override `clone` judiciously
14 Effective Java Tuesday! Consider Implementing `Comparable`
15 Effective Java Tuesday! Minimize the Accessibility of Classes and Member
16 Effective Java Tuesday! In Public Classes, Use Accessors, Not Public Fields
17 Effective Java Tuesday! Minimize Mutability
18 Effective Java Tuesday! Favor Composition Over Inheritance
19 Effective Java Tuesday! Design and Document Classes for Inheritance or Else Prohibit It.
20 Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer Interfaces to Abstract Classes
21 Effective Java! Design Interfaces for Posterity
22 Effective Java! Use Interfaces Only to Define Types
23 Effective Java! Prefer Class Hierarchies to Tagged Classes
24 Effective Java! Favor Static Members Classes over Non-Static
25 Effective Java! Limit Source Files to a Single Top-Level Class
26 Effective Java! Don’t Use Raw Types
27 Effective Java! Eliminate Unchecked Warnings
28 Effective Java! Prefer Lists to Array
29 Effective Java! Favor Generic Types
30 Effective Java! Favor Generic Methods
31 Effective Java! Use Bounded Wildcards to Increase API Flexibility
32 Effective Java! Combine Generics and Varargs Judiciously
33 Effective Java! Consider Typesafe Heterogenous Containers
34 Effective Java! Use Enums Instead of int Constants
35 Effective Java! Use Instance Fields Instead of Ordinals
36 Effective Java! Use EnumSet Instead of Bit Fields
37 Effective Java! Use EnumMap instead of Ordinal Indexing
38 Effective Java! Emulate Extensible Enums With Interfaces.
39 Effective Java! Prefer Annotations to Naming Patterns
40 Effective Java! Consistently Use the Override Annotation
41 Effective Java! Use Marker Interfaces to Define Types
42 Effective Java! Prefer Lambdas to Anonymous Classes
43 Effective Java! Prefer Method References to Lambdas
44 Effective Java! Favor the Use of Standard Functional Interfaces
45 Effective Java! Use Stream Judiciously
46 Effective Java! Prefer Side-Effect-Free Functions in Streams
47 Effective Java! Prefer Collection To Stream as a Return Type
48 Effective Java! Use Caution When Making Streams Parallel
49 Effective Java! Check Parameters for Validity
50 Effective Java! Make Defensive Copies When Necessary
51 Effective Java! Design Method Signatures Carefully
52 Effective Java! Use Overloading Judiciously
53 Effective Java! Use Varargs Judiciously
54 Effective Java! Return Empty Collections or Arrays, Not Nulls
55 Effective Java! Return Optionals Judiciously
56 Effective Java: Write Doc Comments For All Exposed APIs
57 Effective Java: Minimize The Scope of Local Variables
58 Effective Java: Prefer for-each loops to traditional for loops
59 Effective Java: Know and Use the Libraries
60 Effective Java: Avoid Float and Double If Exact Answers Are Required
61 Effective Java: Prefer Primitive Types to Boxed Types
62 Effective Java: Avoid Strings When Other Types Are More Appropriate
63 Effective Java: Beware the Performance of String Concatenation
64 Effective Java: Refer to Objects By Their Interfaces
65 Effective Java: Prefer Interfaces To Reflection
66 Effective Java: Use Native Methods Judiciously
67 Effective Java: Optimize Judiciously
68 Effective Java: Adhere to Generally Accepted Naming Conventions
69 Effective Java: Use Exceptions for Only Exceptional Circumstances
70 Effective Java: Use Checked Exceptions for Recoverable Conditions
71 Effective Java: Avoid Unnecessary Use of Checked Exceptions
72 Effective Java: Favor The Use of Standard Exceptions
73 Effective Java: Throw Exceptions Appropriate To The Abstraction
74 Effective Java: Document All Exceptions Thrown By Each Method
75 Effective Java: Include Failure-Capture Information in Detail Messages
76 Effective Java: Strive for Failure Atomicity
77 Effective Java: Don’t Ignore Exceptions
78 Effective Java: Synchronize Access to Shared Mutable Data
79 Effective Java: Avoid Excessive Synchronization
80 Effective Java: Prefer Executors, Tasks, and Streams to Threads
81 Effective Java: Prefer Concurrency Utilities Over wait and notify
82 Effective Java: Document Thread Safety
83 Effective Java: Use Lazy Initialization Judiciously
84 Effective Java: Don’t Depend on the Thread Scheduler
85 Effective Java: Prefer Alternatives To Java Serialization
86 Effective Java: Implement Serializable With Great Caution
87 Effective Java: Consider Using a Custom Serialized Form
88 Effective Java: Write readObject Methods Defensively
89 Effective Java: For Instance Control, Prefer Enum types to readResolve
90 Effective Java: Consider Serialization Proxies Instead of Serialized Instances
原文链接:Effective Java: Consider Using a Custom Serialized Form