- Follow OOPs Concepts Wherever Possible
- Abstraction(base classes),
- Inheritance(multiple implementation of same things/multiple inheritance),
- Polymorphism(many forms with something different)
- Data Hiding(hide unnecessary/sensitive info),
- Encapsulation(Bind small entities into a single large entity)
- Follow Programming Language Guidelines (class name, Method name, package name, variable names)
Reduce code duplicity (think before writing new code)
- can I use/make change in existing code?
- Increase code reusability
- Make your code generic wherever possible
- Leave no hardcoded data in source code
- Keep your static data outside the source code
- Keep your dynamic data dynamic in test code (fetch it from util files)
- Test your code properly, use IDE options such as call hierarchy or show usage to test your changes E2E
- Use Extensive logging- everything which is part of source code should be analysed from logs without looking at the source code
- Generate and save failure proofs outside the src code- videos/data/screenshots/logs
Focus on making your code scalable and faster without
compromising the code quality -
Your code should be platform and system independent
Use as many assertions as possible focus on automated testing
rather than automation -
Leave no hardcoded data in source code
Always think for the future, separate out tech dependencies so
that migration to new tech is easy in case it is needed -
Keep your tests independent for better results in
multithreading unless they are related (example publisher subscriber related tests) -
Use Proper Documentation (Using comments wherever required)
Create code which is can be easily read and modified by others(Important)
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