IntelliJ Life Hacks (5 Part Series)
1 Two ways to integrate Javadoc into IntelliJ IDEA
2 Prettify JSON with IntelliJ scratch files!
3 Column selection: simultaneous multi-line editing with IntelliJ!
4 IntelliJ Hacks: Save Run Configurations to Source Control
5 IntelliJ Hacks: Copy paste history and plain text paste
In our previous articles, we covered various IntelliJ features that you may not know about the first year that you use IntelliJ.
Today’s hack is one that I definitely wasn’t aware of for quite some time after starting to regularly use IntelliJ, and that’s the copy/paste history and plain-text paste option. IntelliJ calls this feature Choose content to paste.
The Hack
To access this feature, simply hold Shift while you press either Ctrl + V (Linux and Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac). This will display a dialog that allows you to choose any prior copied text to paste. It also gives you the option to paste as plain text!
Final tip
Don’t forget that you will find many gems like this in IntelliJ IDEA by going to the help menu and selecting “Keyboard Shortcuts PDF” which gives you a nice cheat sheet of IntelliJ keyboard shortcuts!
IntelliJ Life Hacks (5 Part Series)
1 Two ways to integrate Javadoc into IntelliJ IDEA
2 Prettify JSON with IntelliJ scratch files!
3 Column selection: simultaneous multi-line editing with IntelliJ!
4 IntelliJ Hacks: Save Run Configurations to Source Control
5 IntelliJ Hacks: Copy paste history and plain text paste
原文链接:IntelliJ Hacks: Copy paste history and plain text paste