Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 10

Advent of Code 2021: Python Solution (16 Part Series)

1 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 1
2 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 2
12 more parts…
3 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 3
4 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 4
5 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 5
6 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 6
7 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 7
8 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 8
9 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 9
10 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 10
11 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 11
12 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 12
13 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 13
14 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 14
15 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 15
16 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 16

I forgot the time of the challenge but still managed to make it done. Stack came to the aid.

Part 1


table = {
    ")": 3,
    "]": 57,
    "}": 1197,
    ">": 25137}

pair = {"(":")","{":"}", "[":"]", "<":">"}

corruptions = []
rem = []
for i,r in enumerate(data):
    stack = []
    for c in r:
        if c in pair:
        elif stack.pop() != c:
            print(f"Corrupted {c} at row {i}")
    if is_corr==False and len(stack)>0:

corr = dict(Counter(corruptions))
sum([table[k]*v for k,v in corr.items()])

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Part 2

mult = {")": 1,
"]": 2,
"}": 3,
">": 4}
for row in rem:
    s = 0
    for i,c in enumerate(row):
at = sorted(all_total)

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Why not read more?

Advent of Code 2021: Python Solution (16 Part Series)

1 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 1
2 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 2
12 more parts…
3 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 3
4 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 4
5 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 5
6 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 6
7 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 7
8 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 8
9 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 9
10 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 10
11 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 11
12 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 12
13 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 13
14 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 14
15 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 15
16 Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 16

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