Solving sudoku – notes from a tutorial

I have been working on a little Sudoku solver, mainly in order to familiarise myself with Atom and try to reinforce the testing-first approach.

Nothing fancy, just an implementation of a tutorial by ComputerPhile. Testing was made easier by the recursive function returns a value instead of logging the console output. The benefit of this is that it can therefore be incorporated into other code.

At the heart of the software lies a recursive algorithm, that I’m going to talk about to crystallise my thinking:

def next_value(puzzle):
for y in range(0, 9):
for x in range(0, 9):
if puzzle[y][x] == 0:
for n in range(1, 10):
if Sudoku.poss(puzzle, x, y, n):
puzzle[y][x] = n
if Sudoku.next_value(puzzle):
return puzzle
puzzle[y][x] = 0
return puzzle
def next_value(puzzle):
    for y in range(0, 9):
        for x in range(0, 9):
            if puzzle[y][x] == 0:
                for n in range(1, 10):
                    if Sudoku.poss(puzzle, x, y, n):
                        puzzle[y][x] = n
                        if Sudoku.next_value(puzzle):
                            return puzzle
                        puzzle[y][x] = 0
    return puzzle
def next_value(puzzle): for y in range(0, 9): for x in range(0, 9): if puzzle[y][x] == 0: for n in range(1, 10): if Sudoku.poss(puzzle, x, y, n): puzzle[y][x] = n if Sudoku.next_value(puzzle): return puzzle puzzle[y][x] = 0 return return puzzle

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What it does: goes through each list in the array and when it hits a zero, it replaces it with the first possible number (checked using the poss function).

Then next_value() calls itself, and so the process continues until it encounters a ‘0’ with no possible solution – it then backtracks – returns through the layers of the function until it reaches a point where more than one value is possible, and proceeds as above with the next possible value.

This is where the code diverges from ComputerPhile’s tutorial:

if Sudoku.next_value(puzzle):
return puzzle
if Sudoku.next_value(puzzle):
    return puzzle
if Sudoku.next_value(puzzle): return puzzle

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This passes up the answer from the last run of the recursive function to the allow the final return puzzle to provide us with a solution, rather than ‘None’.

The poss function (that checks whether a number is allowed) is simple enough – it checks a input value against the rows and columns according to the rules of Sudoku. The more complicated aspect of these checks are the 3×3 squares. This is dealt with as follows (I take no credit for it – it is taken verbatim from ComputerPhile):

x_sq = (x//3)*3
y_sq = (y//3)*3
for a in range(0, 3):
for b in range(0, 3):
if puzzle[y_sq+a][x_sq+b] == n:
return False
x_sq = (x//3)*3
y_sq = (y//3)*3
for a in range(0, 3):
    for b in range(0, 3):
        if puzzle[y_sq+a][x_sq+b] == n:
            return False
x_sq = (x//3)*3 y_sq = (y//3)*3 for a in range(0, 3): for b in range(0, 3): if puzzle[y_sq+a][x_sq+b] == n: return False

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The // operator is Floor Division. It returns full values, so 3//3 == 1, but 2//3 == 0. This allows squares to be defined – the first three checks will all floor divide to 0, so script can check through all and only the values in the 3×3 square.

At some point it would be good to incorporate an easy way to input puzzles. There are also some tutorials for building a GUI to show the puzzle being solved (albeit much slower that the runtime of the function) – I hope to look into those.

The code is available here.

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