Anvil Platform : Build Full-Stack Apps with only Python

Anvil is a platform or a framework for building full-stack web applications with only Python.

So, the server-side code is in Python, the client-side code is also in Python.

You can also store your data for your app using a database system built on top of PostgreSQL.

Check out my latest Video on Anvil Platform and how you can create a web application in under 10 minutes using Anvil GUI Tools

Check out my 15 m video presentation on how you can create a Feedback form very quickly.

Just to be clear, Anvil is a web GUI tool where you can drag and drop elements to build your web application in a matter of minutes, plus you can deploy it immediately.

Anvil was founded by Meredydd who is a software developer living in Cambridge.

The idea behind Anvil according to its founder, is that the way we create web applications is not efficient enough, and as I am myself a Pythonista, I was intrigued by this idea of creating full stack web applications using only Python code. backend and frontend

So the journey starts from your database where you have you data stored in rows and columns in MySQL database for example, then you turn these data into objects on the server, they have properties and methods that can be accessed, and you don’t leave them as objects but you have to turn them into JSON format and you can send them to Django rest framework or any other Rest framework using http methods like get post put and delete.
On the other side of the HTTP connection there is JavaScript that is going to turn JSON in JavaScript object with other methods and properties, then we have to transform that into HTML DOM for the browser to render it and CSS to turn it into pixels ..

There are a lot of transformations here which are somehow repetitive and annoying, you have to learn frameworks, markup languages, JavaScript, plus if you want to use something like Docker containers with MySQL in a mac , windows or any Linux disrto ; it’s a big headache,

Alright, so how could anvil do a better job ?
So instead of html, css and its many frameworks, this will be substituted by Visual UI builder in Python, as I told you it’s a GUI drag-and-drop system, and you don’t have to worry about anything else.
Thank you for reading and watching
Signin’ out / Peace

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