Splashgen: Create splash pages in less than 20 lines of python for free.

Github package repo
Github repo using Splashgen
Example splash page


SplashGen is a free and open source project that lets you rapidly build simple splash pages as easily as you can build a simple command-line application.


You write this:

and get this:


The main motivation behind this project is that backend developers don’t like to write CSS, so I wanted to give them a way to get around that. When I was a backend engineer at FB we had a bunch of tools that let backend developers build UIs by leveraging predefined but flexible components without ever leaving PHP. When I left FB, I couldn’t find anything similar, so I kicked off this project.

While this isn’t super compelling today,(we are just giving people a single splash page that they can go and create), we plan to add a ton of templates and eventually a component system. If you are looking to deploy a splash page that requires a template we don’t currently have, let me know and I can spin it up for you super quickly.

Any/all feedback is welcome 🙂

原文链接:Splashgen: Create splash pages in less than 20 lines of python for free.

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