Hello Coders,
This article presents an open-source Flask starter that might help beginners to start faster a new project and reuse a codebase already enhanced with database, authentication and deployment scripts on top of a modern UI Kit: Soft UI Dashboard. The product can be downloaded from Github and used for hobby and commercial products.
Thanks for reading! – Content provided by App Generator.
- Flask Soft UI Dashboard – product page
- Flask Soft UI Dashboard – LIVE Demo
Soft UI Dashboard is an open-source Bootstrap 5 template released under the MIT License (free for commercial use) by Creative-Tim agency. The product is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, navtabs, cards or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variations in color, that you can easily modify using SASS files and classes.
Example Pages – If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages. You will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project.
- Authentication Pages: Login and Register
- Utility pages: User Profile, Billing page
- RTL Support: YES.
How to compile the code
To compile this Flask starter in a local environment a minimal programming kit must be already installed and all tools accessible in the terminal.
- Nodejs – version 10.x or above
- Yarn – a smart package manager for Node
- GIT – versioning command-line tool
- Gulp – toolkit automation
- Python3 – the interpreter
Some of the above tools are optional but recommended. Once we have the environment ready, we can move on and compile the project using the build instructions provided in the README file.
Step #1 – Clone/download sources
<span>$ </span>git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-soft-ui-dashboard.git<span>$ </span><span>cd </span>flask-soft-ui-dashboard<span>$ </span>git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-soft-ui-dashboard.git <span>$ </span><span>cd </span>flask-soft-ui-dashboard$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-soft-ui-dashboard.git $ cd flask-soft-ui-dashboard
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Step #2 – Install dependencies
<span>$ </span>virtualenv <span>env</span><span>$ </span><span>source env</span>/bin/activate<span>$</span><span>$ </span><span># Install modules - SQLite Database</span><span>$ </span>pip3 <span>install</span> <span>-r</span> requirements.txt<span>$ </span>virtualenv <span>env</span> <span>$ </span><span>source env</span>/bin/activate <span>$</span> <span>$ </span><span># Install modules - SQLite Database</span> <span>$ </span>pip3 <span>install</span> <span>-r</span> requirements.txt$ virtualenv env $ source env/bin/activate $ $ # Install modules - SQLite Database $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
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Step #3 – Set up environment variables (for different systems)
<span>$ </span><span>export </span><span>FLASK_APP</span><span>=</span>run.py <span># Linux, MacOS</span><span>$ </span><span>export </span><span>FLASK_ENV</span><span>=</span>development <span># Linux, MacOS</span><span>$</span><span>$ </span><span>set </span><span>FLASK_APP</span><span>=</span>run.py <span># Windows CMD</span><span>$ </span><span>set </span><span>FLASK_ENV</span><span>=</span>development <span># Windows CMD</span><span>$</span><span>$ $env</span>:FLASK_APP <span>=</span> <span>".</span><span>\r</span><span>un.py"</span> <span># Windows Powershell</span><span>$ $env</span>:FLASK_ENV <span>=</span> <span>"development"</span> <span># Windows Powershell</span><span>$ </span><span>export </span><span>FLASK_APP</span><span>=</span>run.py <span># Linux, MacOS</span> <span>$ </span><span>export </span><span>FLASK_ENV</span><span>=</span>development <span># Linux, MacOS</span> <span>$</span> <span>$ </span><span>set </span><span>FLASK_APP</span><span>=</span>run.py <span># Windows CMD</span> <span>$ </span><span>set </span><span>FLASK_ENV</span><span>=</span>development <span># Windows CMD</span> <span>$</span> <span>$ $env</span>:FLASK_APP <span>=</span> <span>".</span><span>\r</span><span>un.py"</span> <span># Windows Powershell</span> <span>$ $env</span>:FLASK_ENV <span>=</span> <span>"development"</span> <span># Windows Powershell</span>$ export FLASK_APP=run.py # Linux, MacOS $ export FLASK_ENV=development # Linux, MacOS $ $ set FLASK_APP=run.py # Windows CMD $ set FLASK_ENV=development # Windows CMD $ $ $env:FLASK_APP = ".\run.py" # Windows Powershell $ $env:FLASK_ENV = "development" # Windows Powershell
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Step #4 – Start the application via Flask embedded server
<span>$ </span>flask run<span>$</span><span>$ </span><span># Access the dashboard in browser:</span><span>$ </span>flask run <span>$</span> <span>$ </span><span># Access the dashboard in browser:</span>$ flask run $ $ # Access the dashboard in browser:
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By default, the app will route guest users to the login page to authenticate. To pass the login please create a new user first.
Thanks for reading! For more resources, feel free to access:
- More Flask Dashboards crafted in Django, Flask, and
- More Flask Apps – free & PAID