Yesterday, while scrolling Twitter I stumbled upon this one:
30 seconds of code @30secondsofcode
reverseString: Reverses a string.
#JavaScript… 12:30 PM – 27 Apr 2021
At first, I was amazed how much JavaScript has changed since the last time I tried it. Spread operator and useful methods directly on array objects are something that I am missing in Java.
Naturally being a Java dev, as I was looking at JS code I tried to transpile it to Java code. Initial code would look something like this:
public String reverse(String in){
String[] split = in.split("");
return String.join("", split);
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This works but this is more than one line. To produce oneliner I started looking at Java Stream API and its methods. While I was aware that all intermediate operations are out of the question for such a task, I started looking at available Collectors.
My search came back empty and I had to resort to implementing custom Collector:
public String reverse(String in){
return"")).collect(new Collector<String, List<String>, String>() {
final List<String> helper = new LinkedList<>();
public Supplier<List<String>> supplier() {
return () -> helper;
public BiConsumer<List<String>, String> accumulator() {
return (strings, s) -> strings.add(0, s);
public BinaryOperator<List<String>> combiner() {
return null;
public Function<List<String>, String> finisher() {
return strings -> String.join("", strings);
public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
return new HashSet<>();
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There it is! Technically it’s a oneliner. Our supplier method is a simple list, when we add a new item to the list we always do it at the beginning of the list as in the accumulator method. The finisher combines a list into a resulting String. We don’t implement combiner because parallel streams are not ordered and we cannot lose the initial string order.
Of course, this is overkill and I did it just for fun, but I got to admit how powerful the Collector API is.
Do you have another way of writing this method? Write it in the comments! Thanks for reading!