Begineer Tutorials (8 Part Series)
1 GIT HUB Tutorial For Beginners
2 Basic Linux Commands For Beginners
… 4 more parts…
3 Java Programming language Basics Concepts
4 How to install AirCrack-ng on Windows 10
5 Python in 10 minutes
6 React App For Beginner’s
7 Python – Random Password Generator GUI For Beginner’s
8 Text-Case-Converter Using Python
Hello friends here is a simple Random Password Generator build using Python’s PysimpleGUI Module if you want to add new feayures/suggestions kindly check out the git link & push changes –
import random
import string
#### module allows us to copy and paste text to and from the clipboard to your computer
import pyperclip
#### for creating gui
import PySimpleGUI as sg
#### Defining the window's contents
layout = [[sg.Text("Random Password Generator", font=("Helvetica", 25, "bold"))],
[sg.Text("Select Password Length", key='-OUTPUT1-', font=("Helvetica", 10, "bold"))],
[sg.Spin([i for i in range(1, 11)], initial_value=1,
size=(30, 4), key='-INPUT-')],
# [sg.Input(key='-INPUT-' "sd")],
[sg.Text(size=(40, 1), key='-OUTPUT-', font=("Helvetica", 25, "bold"))],
[sg.Button('Generate', border_width=5, pad=(25, 10), font=("Helvetica", 10, "bold")),
sg.Button('Copy', border_width=5, pad=(25, 10), font=("Helvetica", 10, "bold")
# Defining the window's contents
), sg.Button('Quit', border_width=5, pad=(25, 10), font=("Helvetica", 10, "bold"))]]
window = sg.Window('Lp Password Generator', layout)
#### Display and interact with the Window using an Event Loop
while True:
event, values =
if event == 'Generate':
useript = values['-INPUT-']
lower = string.ascii_lowercase
upper = string.ascii_uppercase
num = string.digits
symbols = string.punctuation
all = lower + upper + num + symbols
temp = random.sample(all, useript)
password = "".join(temp)
if event == "Copy":
op = window['-OUTPUT-'].get()
#### Output a message to the window
sg.popup("Password is copied to your clipboard")
#### See if user wants to quit or window was closed
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event == 'Quit':
#### Finish up by removing from the screen
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Begineer Tutorials (8 Part Series)
1 GIT HUB Tutorial For Beginners
2 Basic Linux Commands For Beginners
… 4 more parts…
3 Java Programming language Basics Concepts
4 How to install AirCrack-ng on Windows 10
5 Python in 10 minutes
6 React App For Beginner’s
7 Python – Random Password Generator GUI For Beginner’s
8 Text-Case-Converter Using Python