Tic tac toe game written in python.
This is a project – a part of codecademy course.
In examples i got inspired by list of possible project ideas, and one of them was “tic-tac-toe” game. Some parts in code are in non-English variable and function names (only one function in this code :D), so maybe a little hard to understand…
This is very simple design, a little walkthrough listed below:
1) launch code in terminal (or cmd)
2) it asks for each players name
3) the game starts
4) in each turn program shows, which players turn it currently is
5) then asks for x and y coordinates, to put your symbol in the corresponding slot in the 3×3 grid
6) currently game is not updated, so it lasts until all 9 slots are full, even if somebody wins before all the slots are filled
link to github: https://github.com/lampnis/desas_spele