Day 40: Password Guessing Game

100 Days of Code (48 Part Series)

1 Day 1: Two Sum
2 Day 2: Check Prime
44 more parts…
3 Day 3: Hex Colour
4 Day 4: Repeating Numbers
5 Day 5: Nearest Prime Numbers
6 Day 6: Anagram Detector
7 Day 7: Poker ID
8 Day 8: Bubble Sort
9 Day 9: Password Generator
10 Day 10: Array Search
11 Day 11: Rock, Paper, Scissors
12 Day 12: List Shuffle
13 Day 13: Validate ISBN
14 Day 14: HTML Markup Generator
15 Day 15: Pascal’s Triangle
16 Day 16: Pascal’s Pyramid
17 Day 17: d20 Dice Roller
18 Day 18: Base64
19 Day 19: Vigenère cipher
20 Day 20: Seven-segment display
21 Day 21: Insertion Sort
22 Day 22: Binary-Decimal
23 Day 23: Ducci sequence
24 Day 24: Shell Sort
25 Day 25: Calculator
26 Day 26: Merge Sort
27 Day 27: Bucket Sort
28 Day 28: Counting Sort
29 Day 29: Heap Sort
30 Day 30: Quick Sort
31 Day 31: Radix Sort
32 Day 32: Shaker Sort
33 Day 33: Stooge Sort
34 Day 34: Consuming a RESTful API with React
35 Day 35: Adding Machine
36 Day 36: React Form Validation
37 Day 37: Time Format Converter
38 Day 38: React Stopwatch
39 Day 39: Blackjack Checker
40 Day 40: Password Guessing Game
41 Day 41: String Case
42 Day 42: Tip Calculator
43 Day 43: Twitter Auto-reply
44 Day 44: React Currency Converter
45 Day 45: Phonebook
46 Day 46: Sudoku Generator
47 Day 47: Binary Search Tree
48 Day 48: AVL Tree

public class PasswordGuessGame {

    private static final int DIFFICULTY_MULTIPLIER = 5;

    private static int guessesLeft = 4;

    private static boolean gameIsWon = false;

    private static char[] winningCombination;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Difficulty? (1-5)");
        int difficulty = in.nextInt();
        List<String> wordHints = getWords(difficulty);

        Random rand = new Random();
        winningCombination = wordHints.get(rand.nextInt(wordHints.size())).toCharArray();

        while (notGameOver()) {
            for (String hint : wordHints) {
            System.out.println("Guess (" + guessesLeft + " left)?");
            String nextLine = in.nextLine();
            int result = compare(nextLine);
            final int wordLength = difficulty*2 + DIFFICULTY_MULTIPLIER;
            if (result == wordLength) {
                gameIsWon = true;
            } else {
                System.out.println(result+"/"+wordLength + " correct");

    private static boolean notGameOver() {
        return guessesLeft != 0 && !gameIsWon;

    private static void printWinOrLose() {
        if(gameIsWon) {
            System.out.println("You are victorious");
        } else if(guessesLeft == 0){
            System.out.println("You have ran out of guesses, try again");

    private static int compare(String input) {
        int totalCorrectCharacters = 0;
        char[] inputCharArray = input.toCharArray();
        if(input.length() != winningCombination.length) {
            System.out.println("Please input a string of the same size");
            return 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < inputCharArray.length; i++) {
            if (inputCharArray[i] == winningCombination[i]) {
        return totalCorrectCharacters;

    private static List<String> getWords(int difficulty) throws IOException {
        List<String> strings = readFile();
        List<String> sameLengthStrings = getSameLengthStrings(difficulty, strings);
        Set<String> randomWords = extractRandomStrings(sameLengthStrings);
        return new ArrayList<String>(randomWords);

    private static List<String> readFile() throws IOException {
        List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
        BufferedReader br = null;
        try {
            br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:/javadev/tools/eclipse-4.3/workspace/sandbox/src/main/java/fallout/enable1.txt"));
            String line = br.readLine();

            while (line != null) {
                line = br.readLine();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
        return strings;

    private static Set<String> extractRandomStrings(List<String> sameLengthStrings) {
        Set<String> randomWords = new HashSet<String>();
        Random random = new Random();
        //Return between 5 and 15 words
        int setSize = random.nextInt(10) + 5;
        while (randomWords.size() != setSize) {
        return randomWords;

    private static List<String> getSameLengthStrings(int difficulty, List<String> strings) {
        List<String> sameLengthStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String string : strings) {
            if (string != null && string.length() == difficulty*2 + DIFFICULTY_MULTIPLIER) {
        return sameLengthStrings;


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100 Days of Code (48 Part Series)

1 Day 1: Two Sum
2 Day 2: Check Prime
44 more parts…
3 Day 3: Hex Colour
4 Day 4: Repeating Numbers
5 Day 5: Nearest Prime Numbers
6 Day 6: Anagram Detector
7 Day 7: Poker ID
8 Day 8: Bubble Sort
9 Day 9: Password Generator
10 Day 10: Array Search
11 Day 11: Rock, Paper, Scissors
12 Day 12: List Shuffle
13 Day 13: Validate ISBN
14 Day 14: HTML Markup Generator
15 Day 15: Pascal’s Triangle
16 Day 16: Pascal’s Pyramid
17 Day 17: d20 Dice Roller
18 Day 18: Base64
19 Day 19: Vigenère cipher
20 Day 20: Seven-segment display
21 Day 21: Insertion Sort
22 Day 22: Binary-Decimal
23 Day 23: Ducci sequence
24 Day 24: Shell Sort
25 Day 25: Calculator
26 Day 26: Merge Sort
27 Day 27: Bucket Sort
28 Day 28: Counting Sort
29 Day 29: Heap Sort
30 Day 30: Quick Sort
31 Day 31: Radix Sort
32 Day 32: Shaker Sort
33 Day 33: Stooge Sort
34 Day 34: Consuming a RESTful API with React
35 Day 35: Adding Machine
36 Day 36: React Form Validation
37 Day 37: Time Format Converter
38 Day 38: React Stopwatch
39 Day 39: Blackjack Checker
40 Day 40: Password Guessing Game
41 Day 41: String Case
42 Day 42: Tip Calculator
43 Day 43: Twitter Auto-reply
44 Day 44: React Currency Converter
45 Day 45: Phonebook
46 Day 46: Sudoku Generator
47 Day 47: Binary Search Tree
48 Day 48: AVL Tree

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