num % 10 - Get right most number. num / 10 - Remove right most number. |
- Number palindrome.
- A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or sequence of words that reads the same backward as forward. The straightforward solution would be to convert numbers to string and use the PalindromeString approach.
- There are two most important things to remember.
- To get the most right number, we can do ‘num % 10’.
- To remove most right number, we can do ‘num / 10’.
- Both will work for any numbers.
- Loop through num till it becomes zero.
- Get the most right number.
- First multiply by 10. Later concat with the rightmost number(do not add)
- Remove most right number from num.
- If reversed version and original are equal so it’s a palindrome
Time Complexity: O(n)
- ‘remainder = num % 10;’ here when num will become less than 10 expression will return that number so that’s how program copying last(first) number
- ‘num = num / 10;’ here when num will become less than 10 expression will make it 0 and program will exit from the loop
package com.playground;
public class PalindromeInteger {
public static boolean isPal(int num) {
int copyOfOriginal = num;
int reversedNumber = 0;
int remainder;
// 1. Loop through num till it becomes zero.
while (num > 0) {
// 2. Get most right number.
remainder = num % 10;
// 3. First multiply by 10. Later concat with right most number(do not add)
reversedNumber = (reversedNumber * 10) + remainder;
// 4. Remove most right number from num.
num = num / 10;
// 5. If reversed version and original are equal so it's palindrome
return reversedNumber == copyOfOriginal;
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package com.playground;
import com.playground.PalindromeInteger;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class PalindromeIntegerTest {
public void withValidPalInt() {
Assert.assertEquals(PalindromeInteger.isPal(242), true);
public void withNonPalInt() {
Assert.assertEquals(PalindromeInteger.isPal(243), false);
public void withSingleInt() {
Assert.assertEquals(PalindromeInteger.isPal(2), true);
public void withTwoInt() {
Assert.assertEquals(PalindromeInteger.isPal(40), false);
public void withTwoPalInt() {
Assert.assertEquals(PalindromeInteger.isPal(44), true);
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- Reference:
There are two most important things to remember. |
To get the most right number, we can do ‘num % 10’. |
To remove most right number, we can do ‘num / 10’. |
Both will work for any numbers. |
原文链接:Integer Palindrome
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