New season! Mid Meet Py – Ep.1 – Interview with Laura Funderburk

And we are back!
We missed you all very much and decided this was enough time away. Did you enjoy 2020? It was dreadful for us too, but we are glad to be back!

PyHall of Fame

To celebrate our return we had the wonderful Laura Gutierrez Funderburk, Data Scientist for @Calisto_Canada, Developer for @irepector_plus and organiser of @PyLadies Vancouver.

She and Cheuk had a chat about community, Pyjamas, Laura’s programming experience and her tips for those who are starting on this career path.


The episode also announced:

  • the host’s participation on the Python DevRoom at FOSDEM 21
  • the call for proposals for PyConUS (ending on Feb 12th)
  • a new Irish Machine Learning group on Slack called ML Éire


Finally, as part of the episode’s recommendation is the Flask Mega Tutorial by Miguel Grimberg.

Watch full episode here

The next episode will be streamed live on Twitch on Feb 26th at 6pm UTC.

Come join us at this month’s MidMeetPy!

原文链接:New season! Mid Meet Py – Ep.1 – Interview with Laura Funderburk

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