Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash
Here I will briefly describe Data Collection and Exploratory data analysis (EDA) process for the gas field production project. After researching a few oil and gas fields, I selected Lakeshore Gas Field (NY) for my project, as it was a gas field with around 4000 production wells. Using dynamic web scraping I collected field data and yearly water, gas, and oil production data for each well. As we can expect the data does not have many physical or extraction properties, e.g. pressure, well fracking, or other stimulation and maintenance activities. There are some options to generate pseudo-pressure values by using petroleum engineering models(e.g. by making some assumptions of the initial reservoir pressure and using production data-volume and mass). At this stage, the data we have is enough to do the EDA.
Here is some elevation data of the wells.
I plotted below the data related to the gas and water produced.
As we could expect, the gas production drops with time (as reservoir pressure drops) even with increased number of the active wells and stimulation activities.