Spring Boot Actuator (3 Part Series)
1 How to create a custom actuator endpoint to monitor Jira
2 How to unit test a custom actuator endpoint
3 Documents Spring Boot actuator endpoint with OpenApi
Previously, I posted on “How to create a custom endpoint to monitor Jira”, this is the second part, showing how to unit test this endpoint with SpringBoot MockMvc, Mokito and PowerMokito.
Here the list of dependencies required :
implementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
testImplementation('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test') {
exclude group: 'org.junit.vintage', module: 'junit-vintage-engine'
exclude group: "com.vaadin.external.google", module:"android-json"
testImplementation group: 'com.konghq', name: 'unirest-mocks', version: '3.11.06'
testImplementation group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-module-junit4', version: '2.0.9'
testImplementation group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-api-mockito2', version: '2.0.9'
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We first need a class that load our configuration class used by the JiraConnectorService.
public class TestConfig {
public JiraConfig getJiraConfig(){
return new JiraConfig();
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Test the service to be sure it returns the good data according to the Jira endpoint response.
To do so, we need to mock the Unirest.get() call and response.
@PowerMockIgnore({"javax.*.*", "com.sun.*", "org.xml.*"})
public class JiraConnectorServiceTest {
private GetRequest getRequest;
JiraConnectorService jiraConnectorService;
JiraConfig jiraConfig;
public void getResponseTimeTest() throws Exception {
JsonNode json = new JsonNode("{\"result\":10}");
HttpResponse<JsonNode> mockResponse = mock(HttpResponse.class);
String mySelfEndPointUrl = jiraConfig.getHost() + jiraConfig.getApiPath() + JiraConnectorService.JIRA_MYSELF_ENDPOINT;
when(getRequest.header(JiraConnectorService.HEADER_ACCEPT, JiraConnectorService.HEADER_APP_JSON)).thenReturn(getRequest);
when(getRequest.basicAuth(jiraConfig.getUser(), jiraConfig.getPassword())).thenReturn(getRequest);
ResponseTimeData data = jiraConnectorService.getResponseTime();
Assert.assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), data.getHttpStatusCode());
Assert.assertTrue(data.getTime() > 0);
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We have to use PowerMockito and @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation to mock the static method Unirest.get(..).
We can only use one @RunWith annotation, that’s why we add @PowerMockRunnerDelegate(SpringRunner.class) to load the Spring context.
Then test the endpoint :
public class RestJiraEndPointTest {
private static final String ACTUATOR_URI = "/management";
private JiraConnectorService jiraConnectorService;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void healthDtl_DOWN() throws Exception {
ResponseTimeData data = new ResponseTimeData();
data.setMessage("Service unavailable");
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(ACTUATOR_URI + "/jira/healthDtl")
public void healthDtl_UP() throws Exception {
ResponseTimeData data = new ResponseTimeData();
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(ACTUATOR_URI + "/jira/healthDtl")
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I first tried to use @WebMvcTest(RestJiraEndPoint.class) instead of @SpringBootTest but without success. Spring seems to not recognized @RestControllerEndpoint as a rest controller. So, you have to use @SpringBootTest and @AutoConfigureMockMvc.
Spring Boot Actuator (3 Part Series)
1 How to create a custom actuator endpoint to monitor Jira
2 How to unit test a custom actuator endpoint
3 Documents Spring Boot actuator endpoint with OpenApi