The first time I knew that there is something called Redis in IT world was when I was looking for a developer job in Russia years ago, and I saw a bunch of technologies that this company was asking for : Redis, Jenkins, Celery ..etc
I was intrigued and I started to learn it, and immediately I loved it for its simplicity and power to store and fetch data in a Key-Value pair fashion.
And Redis is not just any software, it is an in-memory database, which means that every piece of data Redis manages is kept in RAM too.
Redis, stands for REmote DIctionary Server, in-memory data structure store released in 2009 by Sanfilippo.
One of the big differences between Redis and other NoSQL databases is the data structures that Redis provides.
Instead of working with a table abstraction, Redis developers can leverage data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets using commands similar to the collection operations in most programming languages. Redis has replication capabilities, a server-side scripting language (Lua), transactions, and different modes of disk persistence.
Unless you’ve installed Redis for another project, more than likely it’s not bundled with your operating system distribution. Using your OS package manager or third-party port system, you can download and install Redis on Linux and MacOS systems. Most packages will install a basic Redis configuration that starts up listening on port 6379, the default port for Redis.