LGTM (40 Part Series)
1 LGTM Devlog 0: Teaching Git through playing a game
2 LGTM Devlog 1: New Logo, and jumping the gun by buying a domain
… 36 more parts…
3 LGTM Devlog 2: Design Ideas for the game I
4 LGTM Devlog 3: Design Ideas for the game 2
5 LGTM Devlog 4: Technical Decisions – GitHub API and Python
6 LGTM Devlog 5: Technical Decisions – Serverless Architecture
7 LGTM Devlog 6: Sprint 1 plans
8 LGTM Devlog 7: Creating a Firebase project
9 LGTM Devlog 8: Starting a git repo for an open source project from scratch
10 LGTM Devlog 9: Python Google Cloud Functions with Unit Tests and Linting
11 LGTM Devlog 10: Capturing the GitHub webhook for fork requests
12 LGTM Devlog 11: Writing the Serverless Function for receiving GitHub webhooks with Pydantic validation
13 LGTM Devlog 12: CI/CD with GitHub Actions to run Unit Tests and deploy Firebase Functions
14 LGTM Devlog 13: GitHub Branch Protection and Security
15 LGTM Devlog 14: Sprint 1 Retrospective
16 LGTM Devlog 15: Sprint 2 plans
17 LGTM Devlog 16: A serverless data base access rule conundrum
18 LGTM Devlog 17: Website and GitHub OAuth
19 LGTM Devlog 18: Python Serverless functions using GitHub API to validate users
20 LGTM Devlog 19: Game data/quest storage
21 LGTM Devlog 20: Python Abstract Base Class-based data/quest storage
22 LGTM Devlog 21: Deploying Pub/Sub-triggered Python Google Cloud Functions
23 LGTM Devlog 22: Modularization
24 LGTM Devlog 23: Sprint 2 Retrospective
25 LGTM Devlog 24: Sprint 3 plans
26 LGTM Devlog 25: Some cleanup
27 LGTM Devlog 26: Python Graphlib DAGs for Quest Stages
28 LGTM Devlog 27: Branching quests
29 LGTM Devlog 28: Game event loop using Google Cloud Scheduler and PubSub
30 LGTM Devlog 29: ORM for Firestore and __init__subclass__ dunders and metaclasses
31 LGTM Devlog 30: Sprint 3 Retrospective
32 LGTM Devlog 31: Sprint 4 Plan
33 LGTM Devlog 32: Secrets Management to avoid storing API keys in services
34 LGTM Devlog 33: Using PyGithub to post GitHub issues and comments
35 LGTM Devlog 34: Characters Posting on GitHub Issues
36 LGTM Devlog 35: Responding to the player’s answers on GitHub Issues Comments
37 LGTM Devlog 36: Character profiles! On GitHub
38 LGTM Devlog 37: Sprint 4 Retrospective
39 LGTM Devlog 38: Sprint 5 Plan
40 LGTM Devlog 39: Planning the story
Our Sprint 1 is over. Actually it’s not quite been a week, I’ve had a little more free time than originally planned due to Christmas and New Years periods, and so I’m deciding to call it early, since all the tasks are now done.
Our board looks like this:
It’s important to do a retrospective at the end of sprints, even when solo working, to decide on whether things were working, and whether the time and scope estimates were correct.
I’m pleased to say that we came in well under the week allocated (even part-time working), though I did significantly low-ball the tasks that were in this sprint. My original intention was to keep this week light to focus on setting up things like the repository structure, and the CI, so that future work can benefit on it, but those took less time than anticipated.
We’ve arrived at the end of the sprint with a comprehensively set up repository, complete with tests and local development capability, as well as a CI that’s doing it’s thing. We are well and truly ready for the next task.
LGTM (40 Part Series)
1 LGTM Devlog 0: Teaching Git through playing a game
2 LGTM Devlog 1: New Logo, and jumping the gun by buying a domain
… 36 more parts…
3 LGTM Devlog 2: Design Ideas for the game I
4 LGTM Devlog 3: Design Ideas for the game 2
5 LGTM Devlog 4: Technical Decisions – GitHub API and Python
6 LGTM Devlog 5: Technical Decisions – Serverless Architecture
7 LGTM Devlog 6: Sprint 1 plans
8 LGTM Devlog 7: Creating a Firebase project
9 LGTM Devlog 8: Starting a git repo for an open source project from scratch
10 LGTM Devlog 9: Python Google Cloud Functions with Unit Tests and Linting
11 LGTM Devlog 10: Capturing the GitHub webhook for fork requests
12 LGTM Devlog 11: Writing the Serverless Function for receiving GitHub webhooks with Pydantic validation
13 LGTM Devlog 12: CI/CD with GitHub Actions to run Unit Tests and deploy Firebase Functions
14 LGTM Devlog 13: GitHub Branch Protection and Security
15 LGTM Devlog 14: Sprint 1 Retrospective
16 LGTM Devlog 15: Sprint 2 plans
17 LGTM Devlog 16: A serverless data base access rule conundrum
18 LGTM Devlog 17: Website and GitHub OAuth
19 LGTM Devlog 18: Python Serverless functions using GitHub API to validate users
20 LGTM Devlog 19: Game data/quest storage
21 LGTM Devlog 20: Python Abstract Base Class-based data/quest storage
22 LGTM Devlog 21: Deploying Pub/Sub-triggered Python Google Cloud Functions
23 LGTM Devlog 22: Modularization
24 LGTM Devlog 23: Sprint 2 Retrospective
25 LGTM Devlog 24: Sprint 3 plans
26 LGTM Devlog 25: Some cleanup
27 LGTM Devlog 26: Python Graphlib DAGs for Quest Stages
28 LGTM Devlog 27: Branching quests
29 LGTM Devlog 28: Game event loop using Google Cloud Scheduler and PubSub
30 LGTM Devlog 29: ORM for Firestore and __init__subclass__ dunders and metaclasses
31 LGTM Devlog 30: Sprint 3 Retrospective
32 LGTM Devlog 31: Sprint 4 Plan
33 LGTM Devlog 32: Secrets Management to avoid storing API keys in services
34 LGTM Devlog 33: Using PyGithub to post GitHub issues and comments
35 LGTM Devlog 34: Characters Posting on GitHub Issues
36 LGTM Devlog 35: Responding to the player’s answers on GitHub Issues Comments
37 LGTM Devlog 36: Character profiles! On GitHub
38 LGTM Devlog 37: Sprint 4 Retrospective
39 LGTM Devlog 38: Sprint 5 Plan
40 LGTM Devlog 39: Planning the story