My first basic not so good project..
But I did learn a few things…
Things I think I’ll remember from now on…
choice() method (random module)
system() method (os module)
sleep() method (time module)
sort() method for lists
isalpha() method
count() method
index() method
words.json is a file which consists of words.
import randomimport jsonimport osimport timewith open("words.json") as words_list:words=json.load(words_list)word=random.choice(words).upper()chances=5guesses=list()g_word='-'*len(word)while chances>0:os.system("clear")print("Word: {}".format(g_word))print("Guessed Letters: {}".format(' '.join(guesses)))print("Chances: {}".format(chances))guess=input("Guess a letter: ").upper()if not guess.isalpha() or len(guess)!=1 or guess in guesses:print("Invalid Input. Try Again.")time.sleep(1)continueguesses.append(guess)guesses.sort()if guess not in word:print("Wrong Guess...")chances=chances-1time.sleep(1)continueif guess in word:g_word=''.join([letter if letter in guesses else '-' for letter in word])print("Right On!")time.sleep(0.5)if g_word == word:print("Word: {}".format(g_word))print("You Won!")time.sleep(1)exit(0)print("\nYou lost! Better luck next time.")print("The key was: {}".format(word))import random import json import os import time with open("words.json") as words_list: words=json.load(words_list) word=random.choice(words).upper() chances=5 guesses=list() g_word='-'*len(word) while chances>0: os.system("clear") print("Word: {}".format(g_word)) print("Guessed Letters: {}".format(' '.join(guesses))) print("Chances: {}".format(chances)) guess=input("Guess a letter: ").upper() if not guess.isalpha() or len(guess)!=1 or guess in guesses: print("Invalid Input. Try Again.") time.sleep(1) continue guesses.append(guess) guesses.sort() if guess not in word: print("Wrong Guess...") chances=chances-1 time.sleep(1) continue if guess in word: g_word=''.join([letter if letter in guesses else '-' for letter in word]) print("Right On!") time.sleep(0.5) if g_word == word: print("Word: {}".format(g_word)) print("You Won!") time.sleep(1) exit(0) print("\nYou lost! Better luck next time.") print("The key was: {}".format(word))import random import json import os import time with open("words.json") as words_list: words=json.load(words_list) word=random.choice(words).upper() chances=5 guesses=list() g_word='-'*len(word) while chances>0: os.system("clear") print("Word: {}".format(g_word)) print("Guessed Letters: {}".format(' '.join(guesses))) print("Chances: {}".format(chances)) guess=input("Guess a letter: ").upper() if not guess.isalpha() or len(guess)!=1 or guess in guesses: print("Invalid Input. Try Again.") time.sleep(1) continue guesses.append(guess) guesses.sort() if guess not in word: print("Wrong Guess...") chances=chances-1 time.sleep(1) continue if guess in word: g_word=''.join([letter if letter in guesses else '-' for letter in word]) print("Right On!") time.sleep(0.5) if g_word == word: print("Word: {}".format(g_word)) print("You Won!") time.sleep(1) exit(0) print("\nYou lost! Better luck next time.") print("The key was: {}".format(word))
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