Today I worked a little on Mediator Pattern. This pattern is adopted to reduce communication complexity between multiple objects. Instead of implementing inside each class the direct communication with other classes (strong coupling), a mediator object is implemented and each class can call this mediator object to communicate with others. This can bring loose coupling between classes and make it easier to develop and extend the program.
Mediator pattern is classified as a behavioral pattern.
Real life example
Currently I started using a very great application Too Good To Go in my daily life. This application connects customers to restaurants and stores that have unsold, surplus food. Its objective is to reduce food waste and protect our earth. I can buy “food baskets” of nearby stores on this app with a very low price. What a great idea!
See, I have reserved a basket for this evening:
This app is in fact a very good example for Mediator pattern. Let’s see how clients should do to query and buy available food baskets in shops without using this app (without mediator):
Now by using this Too Good To Go app, clients now can query and buy available food baskets in this way:
Exercise in Python
Thus I would like to simulate the idea of Too Good To Go in my exercise. Go.
Define a BasketInfo class:
## Basket of Too good to go class BasketInfo:
"""Food Basket info"""
def __init__(self, location, price, address, Shop):
self.__location = location
self.__price = price
self.__address = address
self.__Shop = Shop
def getLocation(self):
return self.__location
def getAddress(self):
return self.__address
def getShopName(self):
return self.__Shop.getName()
def showInfo(self, isShowShop = True):
print(" ++ Location: {}".format(self.__location) )
print(" ++ Price: {}" .format( str(self.__price) + " euros") )
print(" ++ Address: {}" .format( self.__address) )
print(" ++ Shop: " + self.getShopName() if isShowShop else "")
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The BasketPlatformApp class which serves as Mediator:
import difflib
## Check the similarity of two strings def get_equal_rate(str1, str2):
return difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, str1, str2).quick_ratio()
class BasketPlatformApp:
"""Too Good To Go platform"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.__BasketInfos = []
self.__name = name
def getName(self):
return self.__name
def addBasketInfo(self, BasketInfo):
def removeBasketInfo(self, BasketInfo):
for info in self.__BasketInfos:
if(info == BasketInfo):
def getSearchCondition(self, description):
return description
def getMatchInfos(self, searchCondition):
print(self.getName(), " shows suitable baskets for you:")
suitables = []
for info in self.__BasketInfos:
if get_equal_rate(searchCondition, info.getLocation()) > 0.9:
return suitables
def addBasket(self, BasketInfo):
print(self.getName(), " has a new avaible Basket \n -- Provided by ", BasketInfo.getShopName(), ",\n -- Located at: ", BasketInfo.getAddress())
def addBaskets(self):
for info in self.__BasketInfos :
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Now define BasketShop and Customer classes. They will not communicate directly with each other. Their communication shall be done via a mediator. Note that they do not implement each other in their code:
class BasketShop:
""" BasketShop class """
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
self.__BasketInfo = None
def getName(self):
return self.__name
def setBasketInfo(self, address, location, price):
self.__BasketInfo = BasketInfo(location, price, address, self)
def publishBasketInfo(self, App):
print(self.getName() + " pushes a Basket on ", App.getName(), ": ")
class Customer:
"""User of TooGoodToGO"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
def getName(self):
return self.__name
def findBasket(self, description, App):
print("User " + self.getName() + ", searching a backet with info: " + description )
return App.getMatchInfos(App.getSearchCondition(description))
def viewBasket(self, BasketInfos):
size = len(BasketInfos)
return BasketInfos[size-1]
def buyBasket(self, BasketInfo, App):
""" command Basket on App """
print(self.getName(), " made a new command on ", App.getName(), " for a basket in ", BasketInfo.getShopName())
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Now launch a simulation of Mediator pattern:
if __name__ == "__main__":
myAPP = BasketPlatformApp("Too Good To Go")
Paul = BasketShop("Paul");
Paul.setBasketInfo("La Defense Parvis 15, 92000, Haut-Seine", "4 temps commercial center", 3.99)
Auchan = BasketShop("Auchan")
Auchan.setBasketInfo("22 Rue Alma, 92240, Courbevoie", "Supermarcket A2Pas" , 4.0)
Sushi = BasketShop("Sushi Shop")
Sushi.setBasketInfo("La Defense Parvis 15, 92000, Haut-Seine", "4 temps commercial center", 6.99)
jemaloQ = Customer("jemaloQ")
BasketInfos = jemaloQ.findBasket("4 temps commercial center", myAPP)
print("Searching available baskets for you ……")
AppropriateBasket = jemaloQ.viewBasket(BasketInfos)
jemaloQ.buyBasket(AppropriateBasket, myAPP)
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Execution output;
Food shops pushes available basket to APP platform:
Too good to Go updates its available baskets: