4. Operators, Operands, Expression, Operator Precedence

JAVA Tutorial (6 Part Series)

1 1. Hello World in JAVA
2 2. Variables, Datatypes, Operators in JAVA
2 more parts…
3 3. String in JAVA
4 4. Operators, Operands, Expression, Operator Precedence
5 5. If-then block in JAVA
6 6. Expressions, Statements, if-then-else , Methods, Method Overloading

Example of operators

        int result = 1 + 2; // addition
        result = result - 1; // subtraction
        result = result * 10; // multiplication
        result = result / 5; // division
        result = result % 3; // modulus

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Abbreviating of operators

        // result = result + 1;

        // result = result - 1;

        // result = result + 2;
        result += 2;

        // result = result * 10;
        result *= 10;

        // result = result / 3;
        result /= 3;

        // result = result % 2;
        result %= 2;

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Arithmetic operators

+, -, *, /, %, ++, —

Assignment operators

=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<=

Comparison operators

==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

Logical operators

&&, ||, !

Bitwise operators

&, |, ~, ^, <<, >>, >>>

Another operator is Ternary Operator

boolean loggedIn = false;
String userStatus = loggedIn ? "User is loggedIn" : "User is not logged in";

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More details can be found in

Java Operator Precedence


JAVA Tutorial (6 Part Series)

1 1. Hello World in JAVA
2 2. Variables, Datatypes, Operators in JAVA
2 more parts…
3 3. String in JAVA
4 4. Operators, Operands, Expression, Operator Precedence
5 5. If-then block in JAVA
6 6. Expressions, Statements, if-then-else , Methods, Method Overloading

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