Originally Java was developed in 1995 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems whereas Python was released in 1991 & created by Guido van Rossum.
Few Comparison between Java & Python –
Java was released in 1995 whereas python in 1991
Java is faster than python as Python determines the type of the variable at run time which is a slow process
Java has a framework like spring, hibernate & python has Django, flask framework which concludes that python has fewer frameworks than Java
Java syntax is complex than python as it has curly braces & more libraries
Python database layer is weaker than Java (JDBC) as it is rarely used in enterprises
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is the most popular database & widely used in enterprises
Machine Libraries for Java are DL4J – Eclipse DeepLearning4j, JavaML, Mahout, Neuroph, Rapidminer, Weka, JSTAT, ELKI, Stanford CoreNLP
Machine Libraries for python are Numpy, scipy, scikit (learning), theano, TensorFlow, kesae, PyTorch, pandas, matplotlib
Conclusion – Both Java and python are best at their qualities. It’s all about the perception & usage an individual has for language.
Hope this blog has added value to your knowledge.
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