What is SOLID?
SOLID helps you to write code that is easy to maintain, extend and understand.
It is an acronym for the following 5 principles:
S = Single-responsibility principle
O = Open-closed principle
L = Liskov substitution principle
I = Interface segregation principle
D = Dependency inversion principle
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Single-responsibility principle
- A class/module should only be responsible for one thing.
- A class/module should have only one reason to be changed.
Here’s an example that violates this principle:
public class Customer {
public void add(Database db) {
try {
db.execute("INSERT INTO...");
} catch (Exception e) {
File.writeAllText("/var/log/error.log", e.toString());
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The Customer
class is responsible for both writing to the database and writing to the logfile.
- If we want to change the way we log errors,
needs to change. - If we want to change the way we write to the DB,
needs to change.
This code should be refactored to:
class Customer {
private FileLogger logger = new FileLogger();
void add(Database db) {
try {
db.execute("INSERT INTO...");
} catch (Exception e) {
class FileLogger {
void log(String error) {
File.writeAllText("/var/log/error.log", error);
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Some other examples where you’d need separate classes are: user input validation, authentication, caching.
Be careful not to over-fragment code (creating too many responsibilities). Remember the whole point of SOLID is to make your code easier to maintain.
Further reading:
Open-closed principle
- Classes/modules should be open for extension but closed for modification.
- Rather extend functionality by adding new code instead of changing existing code.
- The goal is to get to a point where you can never break the core of your system.
Here’s an example that violates this principle:
public void pay(Request request) {
Payment payment = new Payment();
if (request.getType().eq("credit")) {
} else {
public class Payment {
public void payWithCreditCard() {
// logic for paying with credit card
public void payWithPaypal() {
// logic for paying with paypal
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What if we wanted to add a new payment method? We would have to modify the Payment
class, which violates the open-closed principle.
This code should be refactored to:
public void pay(Request request) {
PaymentFactory paymentFactory = new PaymentFactory();
payment = paymentFactory.initialisePayment(request.getType());
public class PaymentFactory {
public Payment intialisePayment(String type) {
if (type.eq("credit")) {
return new CreditCardPayment();
} elseif (type.eq("paypal")) {
return new PaypalPayment();
} elseif (type.eq("wire")) {
return new WirePayment();
throw new Exception("Unsupported payment method");
interface Payment {
public void pay();
class CreditCardPayment implements Payment {
public void pay() {
// logic for paying with credit card
class PaypalPayment implements Payment {
public void pay() {
// logic for paying with paypal
class WirePayment implements Payment {
public void pay() {
// logic for paying with wire
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Now we can add new payment methods by adding new classes, instead of modifying existing classes.
Further reading:
Liskov substitution principle
- If a class implements an interface, it must be able to substitute any reference that implements that same interface.
- e.g. if a class called
, and another class calledMongoDB
, you should be able to substituteMySQL
objects forMongoDB
Here’s an example that violates this principle:
public abstract class Bird {
public abstract void Fly();
public class Parrot : Bird {
public override void Fly() {
// logic for flying
public class Ostrich : Bird {
public override void Fly() {
// Can't implement as ostriches can't fly
throw new NotImplementedException();
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The above is a bad design as Bird
assumes all birds can fly.
This code could then be refactored to:
public abstract class Bird {
public abstract class FlyingBird : Bird {
public abstract void Fly();
public class Parrot : FlyingBird {
public override void Fly() {
// logic for flying
public class Ostrich : Bird {
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The gist of this principle is to be careful when using polymorphism and inheritance.
Here is another, more real-world encounter of this principle:
- You have a class called
with awithdrawal()
method. Do all bank accounts allow withdrawals? A fixed deposit account won’t allow withdrawals, for example.
Further reading:
Interface segregation principle
- No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.
Here’s an example that violates this principle:
public interface Athlete {
void compete();
void swim();
void highJump();
void longJump();
public class JohnDoe implements Athlete {
public void compete() {
System.out.println("John Doe started competing");
public void swim() {
System.out.println("John Doe started swimming");
public void highJump() {
public void longJump() {
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is just a swimmer, but is forced to implement methods like highJump
and longJump
that he’ll never use.
This code could then be refactored to:
public interface Athlete {
void compete();
public interface SwimmingAthlete extends Athlete {
void swim();
public interface JumpingAthlete extends Athlete {
void highJump();
void longJump();
public class JohnDoe implements SwimmingAthlete {
public void compete() {
System.out.println("John Doe started competing");
public void swim() {
System.out.println("John Doe started swimming");
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Now, JohnDoe
does not have to implement actions that he is not capable of performing.
Further reading:
Dependency inversion principle
- High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. They should depend on abstractions.
- This allows you to change an implementation easily without altering the high level code.
Here’s an example that violates this principle:
public class BackEndDeveloper {
public void writeJava() {
public class FrontEndDeveloper {
public void writeJavascript() {
public class Project {
private BackEndDeveloper backEndDeveloper = new BackEndDeveloper();
private FrontEndDeveloper frontEndDeveloper = new FrontEndDeveloper();
public void implement() {
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The Project
class is a high-level module, and it depends on low-level modules such as BackEndDeveloper
and FrontEndDeveloper
. This violates the principle.
This code should be refactored to:
public interface Developer {
void develop();
public class BackEndDeveloper implements Developer {
public void develop() {
private void writeJava() {
public class FrontEndDeveloper implements Developer {
public void develop() {
public void writeJavascript() {
public class Project {
private List<Developer> developers;
public Project(List<Developer> developers) {
this.developers = developers;
public void implement() {
developers.forEach(d -> d.develop());
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Now, the Project
class does not depend on lower level modules, but rather abstractions.
Further reading:
Final note: Don’t be too strict with SOLID principles
- SOLID design principles are principles, not rules.
- Always use common sense when applying SOLID (know your trade-offs).
- Usually with SOLID, it requires more time writing code, so you can spend less time reading it later.
- Finally, remember to use SOLID as a tool, not as a goal.