Yes I know. Vim is not an IDE, it is a text editor. And the original use case of vim is not to be a full blown IDE. But the plugin possibilities and plugin Landscape is so universal, that people invest the time and wrote language server integrations. nvim
, a fork of vim, includes the language server support out of the box.
But what are the expectation of an IDE.
What comes in my mind is: Autocompletion, managing imports, go to definition/implementation/references formatting and debugging as well. Syntax highlighting as well of course.
I think, the most known Plugin for auto completions and language server integration is coc-vim. But it has the drawback, that it implements an own plugin manager and ecosystem, where you have to install the language-servers which you want to use. The coc plugin which I have installed are:
"coc-java": ">=1.4.12",
"coc-java-debug": ">=0.1.4",
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To install:
:CocInstall coc-java
:CocInstall coc-java-debug
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It covers auto-completion, import management and the “go to” stuff to navigate trough your code structure.
The debug part is covered by vimspector and with the coc-java-debug extension. I don’t want to go in detail how to use both extensions because I don’t use the standard mappings, but if you are following the readme then Vim will be near to an IDE.
In Addition: to run my tests or start the debug process, I have some key bindings which make it easier.
" start the mvn build in a tmux pane with debug flag an the current buffer as filter parameter
" [vimux]( is a plugin for tmux user to interact better between tmux and vim
" I just use it to kick of my maven build in debugmode with the actual Testclass
noremap <leader>ds :VimuxRunCommand "mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug -Dtest=".expand("%:t:r")." test --offline"<CR>
" runs mvn test with the current buffer name a filter parameter.
noremap <leader>rs :call RunMvnThisTest(expand("%:t:r"))<CR>
" runs all tests, but catch the output and open a new buffer with the result of the mvn build
noremap <leader>rS :call RunMvnTest()<CR>
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You can see the implementation of the vim function here.
When I am starting the Debug mode, I am using
" after starting in debug mode, the build will stuck and waiting for the attaching debugger.
map <leader>at :CocCommand java.debug.vimspector.start<CR>
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to attach to the debugger and switch to the vimpector tab.
But you have to remember that you need in your project root a .vimspector.json
with following content:
"adapters": {
"java-debug-server": {
"name": "vscode-java",
"port": "${AdapterPort}"
"configurations": {
"Java Attach": {
"adapter": "java-debug-server",
"configuration": {
"request": "attach",
"host": "",
"port": "5005"
"breakpoints": {
"exception": {
"caught": "N",
"uncaught": "N"
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原文链接:Vim as Java IDE