Early morning
Scrum daily stand-up meeting
- Strive to talk less than 2 minutes.
- Situation reports for yesterday – what I have achieved, be it reviews, story implementation, bugs fixes, etc.
- Briefly announcing my targets for today: which JIRA tickets or 2nd level support issues that I might need to solve.
- Occasionally: asking present colleagues 1 or 2 questions on certain matters.
- 1 cup of double cappuccino with 1 piece of stavia tablet.
- Brought back to my work desk.
- Read my tickets on JIRA for the current sprint.
- Wrote the today’s TODO’s on one Post-It, no more, no less. Stick it to the bottom panel of my main monitor.
Firing up the machine
- database client application
- remote SSH client
- bash terminal
Before lunch
Actual works
- Coding, or
- Part 1 of 2nd level support issues: by analyzing log entries of related processes on remote servers or database entries, before executing appropriate measures.
- Part 2 of 2nd level support issues: preparing brief reports, then write e-mail to concerned parties.
- DevOps – attending problematic CI/CD processes on Jenkins.
After lunch
Continuing actual works
- Coffee (see above), then
- Back to coding, or
- Do a coding review, or
- Writing documentation on Confluence (it’s like a Wikipedia): release notes, updating module’s descriptions, or
- Testing
- DevOps – assisting the deployments in different environments
Late afternoon
Cooling down
- Answering emails, if necessary.
- Casual reading on the Internet: tutorials, news, articles,
- Editing or writing articles in Confluence, e.g., Today I Learned
- Summing up the works of the day: writing the talking points for tomorrow’s daily stand-up meeting,
- Turn off the computer, pack up, and go home.
原文链接:My typical routines at job as a full time software developer
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